
9 Sep
Albino camel
Image by Kai Hendry via Flickr

I’ve talked about the number nine; I’ve talked about the number eleven.  What else is there?  Homonyms are funny; how about homonyms of nine and eleven?

There is a homonym of nine, of course: nein.  No.  That’s German.  I couldn’t find a homonym of eleven.

The only answer is to cheat: instead of making this post about the numbers or the date, I’ll make it about homonyms via my sneaky segue (‘I’ll make it about homonyms’).

For those people who have never heard of homonyms because they have a life, the definition I am talking about is of two words that sound the same but have different meanings:

homonym: a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning, and often a different spelling.

huminim: a street response to the question, ‘What is the peculiar noise coming from that fellow over there?’  ‘Hum, in’ ‘im?’


Interesting facts about homonyms:

  • …um…moving on…


What Wikipedia has to say about homonyms:

  • The state of being a homonym is called homonymy

What Tilly Bud has to say about Wikipedia:

  •  Good grief.  Is that the best you can come up with?

What Wikipedia has to say about Tilly Bud’s response:

  • No; try this for size:    A further example of a homonym, which is both a homophone and a homograph, is fluke. Fluke can mean:
    • A fish, and a flatworm.
    • The end parts of an anchor.
    • The fins on a whale’s tail.
    • A stroke of luck.

What Tilly Bud has to say about Wikipedia’s response to her response:

  • Is there a homonym for ‘moronic facts that are of no interest to my readers’?

What Wikipedia has to say about Tilly Bud’s response to Wikipedia’s response to her response:

  • …um…moving on…


Common Homonyms:

  • hear/here
  • there/their
  • everywhere/everywear/everywere
  • beetles/Beatles
  • sense/cents/scents as in: Have some common sense – don’t spend your cents on expensive scents (unless it’s a gift for me)


And that’s all, folks.  This post was brought to you today by the number

and the number

Sesame Street has got nothing on me.


Note: the image at the top of this post is of an albino camel.  I included it for two reasons:

  1. I like saying, ‘albino camel’.
  2. Albino camels have got nothing to do with this post.
  3. Just as homonyms have got nothing to do with today’s date.
  4. And because I can’t count.


36 Responses to “9.9.11”

  1. Cindy September 9, 2011 at 10:57 #

    Have you ever seen an albino carrot? Bet the camel would like one!


    • Tilly Bud September 9, 2011 at 11:00 #

      No? Is there really such a thing?


      • Janie Jones September 9, 2011 at 13:35 #

        I don’t know, if there is such a thing as an albino carrot officially, but according to the carrot authority, Wikipedia, they are “usually orange in colour, though purple, red, white, and yellow varieties exist.” In an episode of House they tried to pass off Hemlock as “wild carrot.” We all know that hemlock root is white. Personally, I think they used parsnips for the prop. Daikon radishes also bear a resemblance to a white carrot.

        There. Aren’t you glad you asked?


  2. viv blake September 9, 2011 at 11:58 #

    Jock’s never embroidered an albino camel, or even an albino dromedary. I don’t think he’ll bother – the one in your pic is not very pretty.

    Homonymically speaking, I’ll c you soon.


  3. granny1947 September 9, 2011 at 12:09 #

    I love the way your mind works….or rather…races around!


    • Tilly Bud September 9, 2011 at 13:52 #

      Yes, ‘work’ is stretching it a bit 🙂


  4. Sara no "H" September 9, 2011 at 13:04 #

    Awe I love Wikipedia. Cracks me up.


    • Tilly Bud September 9, 2011 at 13:52 #

      It is the fount of all knowledge, and then some 🙂


  5. misswhiplash September 9, 2011 at 14:23 #

    Poor Tilly B ! Not quite herself today…maybe tomorrow


  6. SchmidleysScribbling September 9, 2011 at 16:55 #

    Pleeze, that’s an albino bacterian camel. Do you know the difference between a bacterian and a dromedary (the other kind of camel)? One begins with a B and has two humps and the other…….

    The bacterian camel lives in the high dry cold parts of the world and was used on the silk roads. The Dromadary was used in the hot deserts. Both kinds of camels can go for long periods without a lot of water. They are related to Llamas found in Wisconsin.

    Llamas replaced the cows that used to live in Wisconsin (Holstein cows from Germany) before they read Tilly Bud’s blog and went mad.


  7. gigihawaii September 9, 2011 at 17:13 #

    Looks like you’re having fun with your blog, playing with words.


  8. Pseu September 9, 2011 at 19:00 #

    An amusing thing about 11


    • Tilly Bud September 10, 2011 at 10:09 #

      You saw it here first! Thanks for sharing it again; it’s hilarious. I might re-post it at some point. It’s definitely worth watching again.


    • Traci B September 12, 2011 at 22:28 #

      That was too funny! Voice recognition software doesn’t do southern American accents well either; I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost slammed down the phone while talking to one of those blasted auto menu things. 🙂


  9. Pseu September 9, 2011 at 19:03 #

    You say you can’t count, but I’d just like you to know, you do count, in my book 🙂


    • Tilly Bud September 10, 2011 at 10:29 #

      You are sweet. But you don’t win COWA 🙂


      • Pseu September 10, 2011 at 13:04 #

        I wasn’t trying to…..


  10. kateshrewsday September 9, 2011 at 21:30 #

    Homonymy. So gate and gait have homonymy. I think it sounds quite cosy.


  11. Patti September 9, 2011 at 21:46 #

    I love the word homonymy. I don’t like typing it though. And I love this post (blog entry, mail, job, thing that holds up a fence, breakfast cereal brand, afterwards – I was hoping to come up with 9 or 11 meanings but I’m tired now).


    • Tilly Bud September 10, 2011 at 10:32 #

      Cereal brand? Haven’t heard of that one.

      You did very well, Patti (Patty) 🙂


  12. sanstorm September 9, 2011 at 23:10 #

    Homonyms are useful for spotting non-Scots. “Tied” and “tide” are homonyms in England, but not here. Same can go for “curtain” and “certain” in some parts, I believe.

    Right. Must get a life.


    • Tilly Bud September 10, 2011 at 10:32 #

      So glad you don’t or I would have missed a laugh. 🙂


  13. ElizOF September 10, 2011 at 06:12 #

    Homonyms Homonyms … Hope you enjoyed your exploration of the number. 🙂


  14. sarsm September 10, 2011 at 12:27 #

    I have a funny eleven story. 😀

    We had a colleague of my husband and his family over for dinner. The little boy was called Levin.

    My son wanted something passed across the table and started saying, “Ten, Ten… Ten…”

    I asked him what’s with the “Ten?”

    He answered, “I want the attention of that boy who’s named after a number!”

    A bit of the point, but your post brought it back to me.


  15. colonialist September 10, 2011 at 16:24 #

    ‘E leavin’? Nein!

    *innocently* We spent our homonym on a tropical island, actually.


    • Tilly Bud September 12, 2011 at 11:36 #

      I bet you’re not innocent at all 🙂


  16. Traci B September 12, 2011 at 22:30 #

    Homonymy? Sounds like the process of making hominy corn or something… 😉


    • Tilly Bud September 13, 2011 at 09:58 #

      I have no comprehension of what you just said 🙂



  1. A CoW And A Camel Walk Into A Bar… « The Laughing Housewife - September 12, 2011

    […] This week’s winner of the most useless award in the blogosphere, the CoWAbunger, is  SchmidleysScribbling, for her comment on my post, 9.9.11. […]


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