Weekly Writing Challenge: A Few Of My Favourite Things

4 Sep
The Sound of Music LP cover (UK edition).

The Sound of Music LP cover (UK edition). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


I am not a photographer but I participate in the Weekly Photo Challenge.

I am a writer but I have not yet accepted any of the WordPress writing challenges.

Being awkward with authority is one of my favourite things to do.




Other favourite things (I think you’ll know some of these):

  • Laughing
  • Maltesers
  • Eating
  • Eating Maltesers
  • Eating Maltesers and laughing to myself that they are mine, just mine

The Sound of Music immediately came to mind when reading this challenge, of course.  It is in my Top Thirteen Films list so it is sort of a favourite but doesn’t compare with my favourite love story, The Terminator (Top One).  Though I wouldn’t mind seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger twirling in a nun’s habit and singing around a mountain top.

It could happen – he is Austrian, after all.  And after what Baz Luhrmann did to TSoM in Moulin Rouge (Top Seven), I realise anything is possible.  When an unconscious Argentinian makes Roxanne sexier than it ever was when performed by the worthy Sting in his Police days, I know that Baz is now my new favourite director.

Maybe I should look at some of my un-favourite things:

I’m not a fan of raindrops on roses (too wet) and whiskers on kittens (too tickley), bright copper kettles (nobody better expect me to clean them) and warm woollen mittens (can’t open a Malteser packet with a thumb and one massive finger), or brown paper packages tied up with strings (sellotape, people, sellotape!  How else do you keep thieving post office workers out?).

I once read that sellotape (sticky tape for non-Brits) in Australia is the brand name of a product designed to keep millions of critters out…  

Are there any Australian readers who can confirm or deny that?  (Asking my readers for help is one of my favourite things to do).

Cream colored ponies are okay, I suppose, but think of the mucking out; crisp apple strudels don’t do it for me the way Maltesers do, so why bother? Doorbells: not if they are anything like mine – it kills batteries and whenever it is pressed, you can hear the murder taking place, long after the visitor has departed.  Sleigh bells are okay if they come with gifts.  Schnitzel with noodles – more foreign food that I won’t eat in place of my favourite food.

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings: sounds so romantic, until you hear them honk! honk! honk! overhead, look up, and narrowly miss being splattered with what you don’t like about cream coloured ponies.

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes – Maria obviously didn’t do the laundry Chez Von Trapp.  Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes…frostbite, anyone?  Silver white winters that melt into springs, with its accompanying slush – grey, dirty, ugly?  Pass.

That Maria – you can tell she never lived in the real world.  I think The Sound of Music just got relegated to my Top 100 Films.  

I like to be positive so I’ll leave you with my favourite-ever thing to do: write a stream of consciousness post like this one, and giggle to myself as I wonder what readers will make of the sound of musings.

37 Responses to “Weekly Writing Challenge: A Few Of My Favourite Things”

  1. laurieanichols September 4, 2012 at 12:04 #

    Reading your musings is one of my favorite things. No one had ever broken down the favorite things part and thank you for it because like you said I am now aware that Maria had been locked away in the convent for far too long. She didn’t realize that many of those favorite things meant work for her. I do appreciate the love story between Reese and Sarah Connor, it was so beautiful. As penance Arnold should be dressed in a habit and frolic in the hills for interrupting their time alone and for killing Reese as well. Your posts beget posts, lol.


  2. sharechair September 4, 2012 at 12:16 #

    Brilliant! Favorite things should NEVER include work. Maria clearly wasn’t thinking straight. (altho before you pointed it out, I was sucked into the song like everyone else. Thanks to you, my perspective has been put straight.) Unless she sang the song differently, like “cream colored ponies, who come with their own groomers and muckers” (muckies? make it rhyme?)


  3. mairedubhtx September 4, 2012 at 12:40 #

    You make some really good points. Maria didn’t have to wash and iron those white dresses and the blue satin sashes, nor did she have to keep the copper kettles shiny. And she probably never had to shovel snow and get caked in snow on her nose and eyelashes. Maria went right from the convent where she was a disaster to a rich man’s house where she entertained the children and fell in love with the rich man. Perfect story. So she had to climb over the mountain to escape the Nazis. That was probably not one of her favorite things. Too bad for her.


  4. katharinetrauger September 4, 2012 at 12:45 #

    Hmm. If, by “Sellotape” you mean cellophane tape, some of us call it Scotch tape, a popular brand name that took over the generic name, like Kleenex and PlayDough.


    • vivinfrance September 4, 2012 at 13:50 #

      I don’t understand a word of this from “I do appreciate the love story…” to the end.:-)


  5. sanstorm September 4, 2012 at 13:20 #

    *dons flock playsuit*
    Come now Reverend Captain Tilly, I doubt Maltesers were invented at the time of the Anchluss 🙂 Oh, here comes Christopher Plummer…
    *soft focus*


    • vivinfrance September 4, 2012 at 13:54 #

      Oh yes they were. I was eating Maltesers in my nappy (diaper) days, and I was very much alive at the time of the Anchsluss.


      • sanstorm September 4, 2012 at 14:30 #

        Gosh 😯
        But… I think they’d likely be contraband at Nonnberg…


  6. vivinfrance September 4, 2012 at 13:53 #

    Sorry: my un-understanding reply was for Laurienichols. WordPress scrambled it with my reply to katharinetrauger which was to say that in France the only word for sellotape is Scotch, despite the fact that that is unknown here as a brand.


  7. Pseu September 4, 2012 at 14:19 #

    In Australia, Sellotape is not a brand of condom whereas Durex is an Australian brand of sticky tape. A little confusion there, understandably 🙂
    The Sound of Music was the first film for which I sat inside a cinema, on returning from South Africa at the age of 4 and a hlf ish. Before then I had only been to an out-door drive in cinema. So it is one of my favourite films that I have no particular desire to see again….


  8. Viveka September 4, 2012 at 20:30 #

    Laughing and Maltesers not a bad combination to have as favorite things.
    Maltesers I could be without but not the laugh and you bring it to me in bundles.


  9. slpmartin September 4, 2012 at 21:54 #

    I just love the way your mind works…after working round the house all day…this was a pleasant way to have a break from chores…thanks!


  10. robincoyle September 5, 2012 at 00:15 #

    I used to LOVE The Sound of Music. Watched it recently and . . . it seemed to go on forever! When did The Sound of Music get draggy?


  11. terry1954 September 5, 2012 at 02:35 #

    i would think with your humor, you could find plenty of funny things to shoot with a camera!!!!


  12. itlnbrt September 5, 2012 at 04:12 #



  13. barb19 September 5, 2012 at 05:20 #

    You read right on the sellotape/sticky tape issue in Australia, although the use of “Durex” as a generic term for adhesive tape has declined markedly in Australia in recent years, as the brand is no longer sold here. No more confusion and embarrassment for Brits who emigrate here!


  14. adinparadise September 5, 2012 at 07:47 #

    Love this post, Tilly. Maltesers….. YUM! Agree with you about the mittens. 🙂 So, you also have thieving postal workers? How times have changed. 😦


  15. feelingchipper September 5, 2012 at 12:02 #

    I loved this post and I am glad to read that you are equally as baffled with Maria’s favourite things as I am!


  16. aleafinspringtime September 5, 2012 at 19:40 #

    This is one place where I giggle out loud. Sharon


  17. Amba Nair September 6, 2012 at 07:35 #

    I just laughed out loud at your post! It was hilarious. I don’t remember the last time I enjoyed reading a blog post so much! 🙂 Looking forward to more of this 🙂


  18. eof737 September 7, 2012 at 03:29 #

    I enjoy your musings… why not! 🙂



  1. When a Book Transforms and Becomes a New Creation | Scott Fillmer - September 5, 2012

    […] Weekly Writing Challenge: A Few Of My Favourite Things « The Laughing Housewife […]


  2. My Heirloom Eggs | Italian Brat's Obsessions - September 5, 2012

    […] Weekly Writing Challenge: A Few Of My Favourite Things « The Laughing Housewife […]


  3. My Favourite Things « allaboutwordswa - September 5, 2012

    […] Weekly Writing Challenge: A Few Of My Favourite Things (thelaughinghousewife.wordpress.com) […]


I welcome your comments but be warned: I'm menopausal and as likely to snarl as smile. Wine or Maltesers are an acceptable bribe; or a compliment about my youthful looks and cheery disposition will do in a pinch.