16 Sep

Another funny man in the blogosphere: meet Al, the Cvillean (that’s his spelling, not mine).

The Cvillean

I used to think I was just plain ole Al. Turns out, according to the Gallup and Rasmussen political polls, that I’m a member of the over 65, caucasian, southern state, swing state, male, retiree, likely voter, white-collar, ex-military, home owner, middle class, heterosexual, married, voting bloc. Not only that, we’re one of the most influential voting blocs out there. Who knew?  From Labor Day until the first week of November, every four years, the way I intend to vote makes me one of the most important people in the country. After that, it’s back to being good ole Al, and the only important thing the government wants to know about me is where they need to mail my tax forms.

In spite of all the myriad polls and predictions, this is the voting bloc that will probably decide it:

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6 Responses to “”

  1. kateshrewsday September 16, 2012 at 14:09 #

    Great post, Tilly, thanks for the introduction!


  2. laurieanichols September 16, 2012 at 14:43 #

    Thanks for the intro, he is a clever man.


  3. SchmidleysScribbling September 16, 2012 at 17:39 #

    Al got that title from his last living quarters in Charlottesville VA which is named for one of your more colorful queens:

    A princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Sophie Charlotte was descended directly from an African branch of the Portuguese Royal House, Margarita de Castro y Sousa. Six different lines can be traced from Princess Sophie Charlotte back to Margarita de Castro y Sousa. This explains her African appearance in her Royal portraits that exist today.

    Sophie Charlotte married George III of England on 8 September 1761, at the Chapel Royal in St James’s Palace, London, at the age of 17 years of age becoming the Queen of England and Ireland. Their were conditions in the contract for marriage, ‘The young princess…, join the Anglican church and be married according to Anglican rites, and never ever involve herself in politics’. Although the Queen had an interest in what was happening in the world, especially the war in America, she is seen to have fulfilled her marital agreement.

    An indicator of George’s feelings towards his wife may be seen by the fact that, as stated on the Royal website, ‘George III bought Buckingham House in 1761 for his wife Queen Charlotte to use as a comfortable family home close to St James’s Palace, …14 of George III’s 15 children were born there’.

    Having married the King, she became consort to the George III, and they were both devoted to each other


  4. viveka September 16, 2012 at 18:08 #

    Thanks … for this.


  5. misswhiplashmisswhiplash September 16, 2012 at 19:46 #

    always good for a laugh. Actually he does’nt look his age ..he is quite hansome ..he has one lucky lady


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