He Loves Me, He Loves Me

20 Sep

The Hub has been at it again, leaving love notes for me.  

I don’t mind them; it’s kind of nice that he loves me enough to show it; but why are they always left in the kitchen?  I might spend all my time in there, but no one in this house believes that’s where my heart is.  It would make more sense if he left them on the computer.

This one is from the paper Pseu used in her gift basket:

Here’s one he left on the milk:

Here’s one he left on the strawberries:

I get the feeling he loves me but thinks I spend too much time with food.  

This one isn’t a love note, just some fun he had at my expense:

It led to Bizarre Question Of The Week #1: Did you put the frog in the fridge?

37 Responses to “He Loves Me, He Loves Me”

  1. terry1954 September 20, 2012 at 11:47 #

    i think u r a very lucky lady to get that extra love shown. women would pay anything to have what you have


  2. Michael Carnell September 20, 2012 at 11:59 #

    Ha! That is toad-aly cool. But if the poor frog gets too cold, won’t he croak? 😉


  3. granny1947 September 20, 2012 at 12:06 #

    Tell me your secret….I just get reminders to clean something!


  4. taniamend September 20, 2012 at 12:08 #

    100% sweetness!


  5. viveka September 20, 2012 at 12:15 #

    Where can I find a man like him ?????? I want hearts everywhere too!!!!


    • viveka September 20, 2012 at 12:16 #

      You know … regarding the frog … we girls has to kiss many of them .. before the prince comes – so I think he is a bit lost in your fridge … he should be in mine instead.


  6. speccy September 20, 2012 at 12:26 #

    Aaah, how lovely 🙂


  7. misswhiplashmisswhiplash September 20, 2012 at 12:31 #

    my hub would not even think about doing such a lovely thing…lucky lady xxxx


  8. sanstorm September 20, 2012 at 12:42 #

    If I ever found a love note, it would be an ironic prank – by either husband or son :


    • sanstorm September 20, 2012 at 12:43 #

      The colon shows I couldn’t decide how I feel about that…


  9. vivinfrance September 20, 2012 at 12:47 #

    That lovely man is worth his not-inconsiderable weight in gold!


  10. boomiebol September 20, 2012 at 12:50 #

    Too sweet :)! Couldn’t help but notice the chuppa chups tin :)… Good stuff!!!


  11. McGuffyAnn September 20, 2012 at 12:54 #

    Ah Tilly! You two were indeed made for each other. Hug.


  12. mairedubhtx September 20, 2012 at 13:04 #

    The important thing is that he leaves you notes. My dogs have never ONCE left me a note though they have left me other presents that I didn’t want.


  13. SchmidleysScribbling September 20, 2012 at 13:06 #

    Silly girl, he likes food. You are in the way. Don’t get between him and whatever he is after when he walks into the kitchen.


  14. katharinetrauger September 20, 2012 at 13:12 #

    Tilly. Everybody love you. Get over it!


  15. faydanamyjake September 20, 2012 at 13:47 #

    Are you married to a pisces by any wild chance lol


  16. laurieanichols September 20, 2012 at 14:11 #

    You brought up a good point, why doesn’t he leave the love notes on the computer or in the bed? Is he hinting for food, they do say that the way to a man is through his stomach maybe he is asking for you to get to him again and again. Kind of romantic that he wants you more and more and he shows it with the hearts circling the food.


  17. gigihawaii September 20, 2012 at 14:21 #

    Oh, what a sweetie he is! Treasure every moment, Tilly! I would!


  18. Karen Snyder September 20, 2012 at 14:24 #

    Frog Went a Courtin’ . . . 🙂 Very sweet!


  19. adinparadise September 20, 2012 at 14:55 #

    Cute man! 🙂


  20. judithatwood September 20, 2012 at 16:12 #

    You are a very lucky woman, and he is a very lucky man!


  21. slpmartin September 20, 2012 at 17:17 #

    He’s so sweet to you…of course I like the last pic best. 🙂


  22. robincoyle September 20, 2012 at 18:40 #

    That is the cutest dang thing ever. What a thoughtful guy. And, I like his frog in the fridge humor.


  23. benzeknees September 20, 2012 at 18:59 #

    Awwwww, what a sweet hub! I wish more hubs were like this, even if they did leave the notes in the kitchen (where I spend as little time as possible too). I think you should give hub a Malteser!


  24. sharechair September 20, 2012 at 23:03 #

    What a sweet hub!


  25. grannymar September 20, 2012 at 23:30 #

    It is the little things that count like….. Frogs! 😉


  26. Al September 21, 2012 at 00:39 #

    Just shows his heart is in the right place….and that place…..and that place….and that..


  27. jmgoyder September 21, 2012 at 01:19 #

    Oh this is gorgeous!


  28. barb19 September 21, 2012 at 12:13 #

    Lucky lady, very special hub!


  29. The Hub September 21, 2012 at 13:11 #

    Thank you for all the wonderful comments. I will explain myself and reason for leaving the notes in the kitchen. I assure you it is nothing to do with being chauvinistic. Anyone who knows Tilly will tell you the first thing she does when she gets up is put the kettle on. Hence the reason they are left in the kitchen because that is the first room she will go into. Altogether now ladies…ahhhhhhhhhh.


  30. winnwords September 21, 2012 at 15:52 #

    Sweetest post ever. And not even Valentine’s Day! My hubby leaves slightly more x-rated love notes…usually on the shopping list, so I don’t read them until I’m in the produce aisle at the grocery store. They often include shopping requests that would require I visit another kind of store entirely. One which I don’t tend to frequent. But perhaps will…:)


  31. Helen Cherry September 21, 2012 at 15:53 #

    There’s no pleasing some people !!


  32. Gobetween September 21, 2012 at 18:15 #

    Perhaps he gets bored while waiting for the kettle to boil and then ends up creating love tokens.


  33. evilnymphstuff September 21, 2012 at 19:12 #

    Aww it’s all so sweet 🙂


  34. Janie Jones September 22, 2012 at 15:07 #

    That is so sweet I swear I just developed a cavity.


  35. Perfecting Motherhood September 27, 2012 at 02:42 #

    How sweet. I get love notes from my eldest (his dad never gave me any) and I love every single one. And yes, sometimes the kids like to stick plastic bugs in the weirdest places to freak me out.


I welcome your comments but be warned: I'm menopausal and as likely to snarl as smile. Wine or Maltesers are an acceptable bribe; or a compliment about my youthful looks and cheery disposition will do in a pinch.