Prompt Keen

22 Nov
English: Think you already knew the old saying...

English: Think you already knew the old saying: “A picture is worth a thousand words?” Think again. Let’s ask Andy and see what he says… What’s your explanation? (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Your blog just became a viral sensation. What’s the one post you’d like new readers to see and remember you by? Write that post.

I already did.  Two of them, in fact: here and here.


Take a subject you’re familiar with and imagine it as three photos in a sequence. Tackle the subject by describing those three shots.

Oh please!

A picture is worth a thousand words, therefore three photos equals three thousand words.  Would my readers rather have three photos or three thousand words?  I think you know the answer to that one.

Here’s a compromise response:

Subject: WordPress prompts.

Photos described; the condensed version: Dull, dull and duller.


a-picture-is-worth-a-thousand-words-1000 (Photo credit:


Think of something that truly repulses you. Hold that thought until your skin squirms. Now, write a glowing puff piece about its amazing merits.

Something that truly repulses me until I squirm that I am actually willing to think of is that last prompt.  

Wasn’t it wonderful?  Creative, complicated and guaranteed to bring my scorn crashing down on its head.  My favourite kind of prompt.


Create a new word and explain its meaning and etymology.

Word:  Silpromptly


  1. Absurd, irrational but well-meaning suggestion such as to occasion or inspire ridiculous and/or scornful responses.  e.g. Here is a silpromptly for you because we didn’t have time to think of something sensible.
Etymology: This post; second prompt.


You have the chance to write one last post on your blog before you stop blogging forever. Write it.

This is my last-ever post because the WordPress Prompters have finally caught up with me.

Before they skewer me to their suggestions board with my own biting wit, I beg you to re-read my many posts, discover my genius and share them all, sending me viral and making me a global sensation, so I can at least replace the lamp [see first prompt response at top of page] with the money I make.

Start with Joke 245 – last year’s Thanksgiving cartoons.

Argghh!  They’re coming…  I loved you all, dear readers; especially the ones who sent me gifts…

18 Responses to “Prompt Keen”

  1. vivinfrance November 22, 2012 at 13:15 #

    I wish I hadnae clicked on those heres! You are a clever girl. BTW has a parcel arrived?


  2. mairedubhtx November 22, 2012 at 13:39 #

    Brilliant, as always!


  3. laurieanichols November 22, 2012 at 14:34 #

    You are the best Tilly!


  4. viveka November 22, 2012 at 16:44 #

    You are prompt-amazing!! And forget it .. there will be no last blog from you.


  5. adinparadise November 22, 2012 at 18:33 #

    Loved your viral sensations. 😆 I can not imagine the blogs without you, Tilly. 🙂


  6. bevchen November 22, 2012 at 20:13 #

    Hahaha! This is brilliant. Makes the fact that I have to work this evening a teeny bit better.


  7. sanstorm November 22, 2012 at 22:23 #

    The new prompts are even rubbisher than the 2011 ones.


  8. sanstorm November 22, 2012 at 22:24 #

    Oh, I jusk clicked the two posts that encapsulate your oeuvre. Nice.


  9. Perfecting Motherhood November 26, 2012 at 08:09 #

    Oh, I missed these so much…


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