Prompts About Prompts

19 Feb

Tell us about the time you threw down the gauntlet and drew the proverbial line in the sand by giving someone an ultimatum. If you’ve never handed out an ultimatum but secretly wanted to, describe the scene and what you would say to put an end (one way or another) to an untenable situation.

Really, WordPress!  Enough is enough!  Stop mixing your metaphors and going on for three pages to get to the point (that’s my job).  Give me better prompts or I stop blogging!


Imagine yourself at the end of your life. What sort of legacy will you leave? Describe the lasting effect you want to have on the world, after you’re gone.

She was the sort of woman who never followed through on an ultimatum. Consequently, WordPress walked all over her.  However, she knew when her time was up, so she played The Last Post on her last post.  She might have been weak but she went out in style.


Describe the one decision in your life where you wish you could get a “do-over.” Tell us about the decision, and why you’d choose to take a different path this time around.

I don’t believe in regrets.  If we like who we are, we can’t regret how we got this way.

However, I am sorry I have a weakness for the WordPress Prompts.



If you were involved in a movie, would you rather be the director, the producer, or the lead performer? (Note: you can’t be the writer!).

None of the above.  I’d like to be the person just off set, with the script.  You know…the prompter.


We all know how to do something well — write a post that teaches readers how to do something you know and/or love to do.

  1. Sign up to The Daily Post.
  2. Check your email inbox each day.
  3. Start a new post.
  4. Choose a prompt from your Daily Post emails.
  5. Make fun of it.
  6. Thank your lucky stars that you have never been Freshly Pressed because flying under the radar means you can scoff at the prompts until the cows come home to mock your mixed metaphors.
  7. Bask in the adulation.


Look in the mirror. Does the person you see match the person you feel like on the inside?

No.  Without slicing myself from that funny little triangular bit at the base of the throat to the unmentionable in a family blog bit at the top of my legs, I can’t get my hands inside my body to rummage around feeling what I feel like.  I’d have to be a particularly skilled surgeon to do that.  And insane.

How much stock do you put in appearances?

A lot.  I have to wear a disguise because the WordPress Prompters have put out a hit on me.  Something about ‘norespectforourhardworkcomingupwithideas-


22 Responses to “Prompts About Prompts”

  1. Indira February 19, 2014 at 13:02 #

    Loved this post. Very original.


  2. siggiofmaine February 19, 2014 at 13:10 #

    I love your answers to WPress prompts…I couldn’t think of anything I would do for the movie… Id have to now that you’ve suggested it, fight you for the prompter !☺
    Something I do well, read…turn on computer, scroll down…sigh.

    Oh, well. Good thing that YOU are the blogger, here not me !

    Thanks for a lovely start to my day…woke up to 5 more inches of “it’s a marshmallow world”. All I can say is “it’s white” !

    Peace and love,


    • The Laughing Housewife February 19, 2014 at 13:16 #

      Poor Siggi! It’s wet and dull here but no floods, thank goodness; and no snow. We complain about our wet summers but our mild climate usually means no extremes. There’s always a silver lining. 🙂


  3. February 19, 2014 at 13:57 #

    I only “liked” this because I am your friend. But you are much too good a writer to waste your time on these silly prompts!


  4. laurieanichols February 19, 2014 at 15:47 #

    Your take on the prompts are such a breath of fresh air 🙂 I am in awe of your comic talent Tilly 😀


  5. Rorybore February 19, 2014 at 15:53 #

    I love when you get all up in the WP prompters business. You should write for one of those awesome funny British comedies!


  6. Elaine - I used to be indecisive February 19, 2014 at 18:10 #

    I love your prompt posts! I think my favourite one is the job you would like if you were involved in a movie. 😀 😀


  7. slpmartin February 19, 2014 at 18:33 #

    Oh…nothing like a good laugh after breakfast…thanks!


  8. colonialist February 19, 2014 at 21:45 #

    You believe in promptly dispatching the prompters, don’t you? 🙂


  9. Tom Merriman February 19, 2014 at 21:49 #

    Always fun to read these prompt posts, Tilly.


  10. Grannymar February 19, 2014 at 22:22 #

    I am smiling. I bet the prompt guys are too!


  11. jmgoyder February 20, 2014 at 04:03 #

    I have never done the WP prompts – now I know why!


  12. SchmidleysScribbling February 21, 2014 at 01:46 #

    I’d’ve the prompter too!


  13. SchmidleysScribbling February 21, 2014 at 01:47 #

    I would be if the computer stopped fixing the text!


  14. Gobetween February 21, 2014 at 20:36 #

    You’re so good at this bad stuff if you know what I mean. If I am lucky enough to get steady internet it takes me 15 minutes to load WordPress and then my reader doesn’t work.


I welcome your comments but be warned: I'm menopausal and as likely to snarl as smile. Wine or Maltesers are an acceptable bribe; or a compliment about my youthful looks and cheery disposition will do in a pinch.