That Was The Week That Was (II)

22 Aug
The Hub in pre-rabbit days

The Hub before he was brutally savaged by a rabbit

The story so far: one broken husband and one disdainful rabbit combine to make one weary of constant Ow-ow-ows from the Hub.


Monday 11 August

My monthly visit to Write Out Loud at the art gallery, an open mic poetry night.

The Hub refused to go to A&E.


Tuesday 12 August

Tea and toast with Friend Pam at Olive Café in Edgeley, a joint-church venture which is doing remarkable well.

The Hub refused to go to A&E between his groans.  I began to feel a tad irritated.


Wednesday 13 August

The Hub refused to at least visit the doctor but had me feel up his swollen shoulder.  I began to plot ways of making his suffering even worse.

Spud went out to a pre-results party with his friends so they could all be nervous together instead of in their separate homes.

DSCF1367The Hub and I went to church. 

Yes, you did that read that right – the arch-atheist Hub and I went to church.  New Chapel in Denton where, the Hub had discovered via the magic that is the internet, his great-uncle John Ellor, who died in Egypt in 1918, had his name on the Sunday School Roll of Honour for those who died during the Great War.

A wonderful couple – she works as the church secretary – called Christine and Barry pulled out all of the old records and we found lots of relatives from the Hub’s father’s side – and his grandparents’ 1927 marriage certificate.  To actually touch their signatures was emotional even for me, who has no blood connection.  It’s the first time the Hub has had a good time in church since he married me 29 years ago.

Ah!  Just realised why he’s never been back…

2:15 a.m.

I woke up to hear the Hub creeping downstairs…on his way to A&E to get his swelling checked out.  He was in agony and unable to sleep.  It was worth going in the middle of the night to avoid the I-told-you-sos, and because it took less than an hour for the Hub to be checked over, x-rayed and told that his scapula might be broken but he was so badly bruised that it was impossible to tell.  Take ibuprofen and try not to be too smug in your wife’s face or you might end up back here with  a definite broken scapula.


Thursday 14 August


Made with love

Made with love

Results day.  Spud arrived home exhausted but too excited to sleep; and starving.  He had a breakfast of 2 eggs and 3 toast followed by 6 lots of cheese and crackers.

Spud slept all day.


Spud’s friends arrived for drinks-before-the-real-boozing-starts-in-town (Manchester) celebration.  We have known most of the boys for the last seven years and they are a lovely lot, so we cracked open a bottle of champagne with them, drinking from paper cups because Spud insisted.  Then we went off to bed and they went out about ten p.m.


Pre-drinks before the real drinks

Pre-drinks before the real drinks

Friday 15 August

6:05 a.m.

Spud crept in.  Spud slept all day.

9:15 a.m.  I went out for the day to Llandudno, on the church charabanc. 

I went on a boat!  A three-year old girl loved it; her older brother screamed the whole time. 

I went on the beach as the tide came in.  So I wasn’t on the beach for long.

A beautiful Welsh beach

A beautiful Welsh beach

I went on the country’s longest pier – a mile and a half, I think. 

I went on the tuppeny slots, just like I did on Welsh holidays as a child. 

I discovered you can’t slice a scone without a knife but it tastes just as good when buttered, creamed and jammed with a spoon. 

I got home at six-thirty and I was in bed thirty minutes later.*

If I'd had the money, I would have bought the boys - all three of them - one each of these onesies

If I’d had the money, I would have bought the boys – all three of them – one each of these onesies

Saturday 16 August

Tory Boy phoned: I’m at the hospital with suspected appendicitis.


Come back soon for the final, exciting instalment – is Tory Boy fit to burst?


22 Responses to “That Was The Week That Was (II)”

  1. sharechair August 22, 2014 at 10:53 #

    Oh dear oh dear …… I hope you don’t wait too long to tell us what happens next ….. ouch!!!!!


  2. laurieanichols August 22, 2014 at 15:27 #

    This feels like one of my soap opera’s, when I got to the end I could hear the music in my head “Will Tory Boy burst?” Ta DAAA. Poor Hub, my son had a broken scapula twice, the first happened during childbirth via forceps and the second came from a wrestling match. He had quite a few weeks of physical therapy to do the second time. I hope the Hub doesn’t suffer too long and that he has learned his lesson ALWAYS LISTEN TO TILLY BUD. I am so happy for Spud, he seems to be having a grand time with his friends. Hooray for him!


  3. SchmidleysScribbling August 22, 2014 at 17:31 #

    Those appendicitis eas or is it appendixes? Are bursting like crazy. Good to get it checked out. Looked for the rabbit…where is he?


  4. slpmartin August 22, 2014 at 18:17 #

    My…you are indeed have a bit of bad luck in that household…hope Tory Boy is okay.


  5. sanstorm August 22, 2014 at 20:36 #

    Oh my goodness! *edge of seat*


  6. sarsm August 22, 2014 at 20:40 #

    Now we’re all in suspense hoping that Tory boy is well!


  7. vivienne blake August 22, 2014 at 20:41 #

    i hope Tory Boy is OK – but if he isn’t, better out than in. Poor Hub. He must be grinding his teeth in mortification at Tillybud being right, as well as suffering agony from the bruise/fracture.. Both your blokes have all my sympathy


  8. Grannymar August 23, 2014 at 21:04 #

    Goodness it is like Emergency Ward 10 at your place. I hope the patients are doing well and that life is soon back on an even keel for you.


  9. benzeknees August 24, 2014 at 05:42 #

    I’m going to burst if you don’t hurry up & tell us what’s happening!


  10. funnypencil August 24, 2014 at 16:13 #

    Nice story 🙂 I’m sure you will find a solution for Tory 🙂 Hope he is healty now


  11. Hattie August 25, 2014 at 17:58 #

    Must. Know.What. Happens. Next.


  12. Rorybore August 25, 2014 at 18:43 #

    Oh my gosh… I need those pj’s!!
    I can remember coming home many times when my mom was just getting up for breakfast. she was less than thrilled. And now my kids keep me up all night and I just know she’s sitting there smiling like an ass.


  13. bluebee August 25, 2014 at 23:31 #

    A hectic, happy time 🙂


  14. Janie Jones August 28, 2014 at 13:24 #

    Hope the Hub and Tory Boy are going okay!


  15. I used to be indecisive August 29, 2014 at 23:47 #

    What a cliff hanger!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Pearl September 1, 2014 at 22:50 #

    broken scapula! lordie, that must smart!


  17. katharinetrauger September 2, 2014 at 02:17 #

    Am becoming quite attached to your entire family. Should I worry?


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