Tag Archives: Awards

This Weesk’ CoWaBUnher Has been CXD

21 Dec

I read all of your comments, I think.  I even answered some.  But I have puff-balls for eyes and can’t see past the mucus.  I couldn’t make a decision as to which was the best comment because, by the time I’d stopped to blow my nose, wipe my eyes, cough, cough, cough, blow my eyes, wipe my cough, dry my zone, cough some more, I’d forgotten what I’d read.

Sorry about that.

CoWAbored Yet?

12 Dec

I ought to ban Pseu.  This is the third time she’s won the CoWAbunger.  And she had her own birthday post on Saturday.  But her comment was just too funny not to win:

The post was about sending Christmas cards to the astronauts on the International Space Station.  Her comment:

I’ll put them on my ‘over-seas’ list. 

Well done again, Pseu!  Now stop being so funny and give somebody else a chance, or I’ll have to do away with the award altogether.  Or should I make it monthly?

Here’s your cow third:

If anyone wants to complain about her third CoWAbunger, Pseu me.  Check her out at http://pseu1.wordpress.com/

CoWAbunger’s Got Integrity

5 Dec

An outright winner this week, for respecting the integrity of this blog:

On my post A Prompt Too Far:

Wwwhack! Do you feel that? It is me throwing my shoe at your head.

 Gobetween is the worthiest winner to date, I’m sure you’ll agree.  You’d better, or she’ll hurt you.

Well done, Gobetween.  I and my sore head salute you. 

Here’s your award:

To read more of Gobetween’s unique perspective on life in South Africa, visit her blog at http://gobetweenflames.wordpress.com/

There Can Be Only One CoWAbunger This Week

28 Nov

Though Pseu deserves a whole herd of them.

This is Pseu as you might know her:

On a joke post about fonts:

These jokes are just your type

On a joke post about owls:

It’s not that I don’t give a hoot, it’s just that I can’t be feathered.

On a post in which my son emulates his mother:

that Spud is a chip!!! hahahaha

(Not sure about the hysterical laughter there, Pseu.)

On a joke post where Garfield and friends fix a cold engine, Viv commented:

20 sleeping cats would keep the engine warm enough to start. Problem: getting 20 cats to move.

And Pseu replied:

you mean when they are catatonic?

And in the same post, àpropos of nothing at all:

Too many spiders in your house can turn it into a no fly zone.

As if all that wasn’t enough, Pseu even wrote a joke for me over in her own comments section:

What do you call a group of shipwrecked Richards? 

Desert Island Dicks

(That might be lost in translation: here in the UK we have a Radio 4 programme called Desert Island Discs.)

Here is your award Pseu; well done!

Check out Pseu’s blog if you like close-up photography, poetry and interesting stories about life.



21 Nov

Before I award this week’s CoWAbunger, I have to ask you not to inundate me with outraged comments and hate mail.  

I have gone against the habit of a lifetime and…accepted a compliment

I know, I know!  What was I thinking?  All of you good, self-restrained commenters who never say anything nice to or about me must be furious.  Those of you with less self-restraint who let slip the odd nice remark which I studiously ignore must be seething.

I’m sorry; I couldn’t help myself.  I’m weak, I know, but she hit me on my Achilles scalp:

  I don’t think it is possible to not love France. Viv is tinier than I had thought, and your hair is beautiful, Tilly!  cindy

Here is the photo which inspired her sincere but factually incorrect compliment on my post France, Day 4:

I have dreadful hair; not manky like my teeth, but thin and mousey and flyaway.  My plaits look like drab friendship bracelets; when my hair is short I look like a boy; when it’s long I have to tie it back because the static electric shocks to the lips really hurt.  My family take turns thanking me for the hair in their food, despite tie backs and a head covering when I prepare meals.  I have never, ever been complimented on my hair in my entire life.  Is it any wonder I caved?

Thank you, Cindy, for making my day.  Hair is your award:

And have another one for being nice about France:


Go and visit Cindy at her blog, The Only Cin; especially if you love good food.

Due To My Absence, This Week’s CoWAbunger Has Been Suspended

14 Nov

CoWAbunger Hoist

7 Nov

I’m not doing this just on Viv’s say-so, though she does have a lot of influence over The Laughing Housewife (don’t tell her!); I’m doing it because it’s the right thing to do.  Pleasing myself, pleasing a friend and choosing the winner never seemed so easy before. 

For this excellent comment on I Always Listen To My Readers, in which I was hoist by my own petard, step up, Big Al.


To all my fellow commentators, please vote on the following:

For making us answer polls on her blogs, Tilly Bud should be:

1. Henceforth and forever more banished from the blogosphere ____

2. Tied up in a room with a box of Maltesers just out of her reach ____

3. Be made to listen to a recording of WordPress prompts played over and over ____

4. Be made to listen to all the knock knock jokes that ever existed ____

or….. (and this is especially cruel)

5. Be complimented on every thing she writes ____


I found a wonderful picture of a cow doing a pole dance but I can’t use it.  If you’re curious, it’s here.  Then there was a picture of a bull goring a matador right where it would hurt me (in the mouth); I’d like to have used it – satisfying on so many levels – but Big Al was so charming and so funny that I decided to go with what he really deserves…a smiling cow.  Here you go, Big Al:

Big Al isn’t funny just in here.  Check out his blog, The Cvillean.  Don’t be put off by the fact that he can’t seem to spell his own name.

Well done Al!


31 Oct

I prepare to award the CoWAbunger by c+p comments I particularly like into draft posts.  I had two CoWA drafts and therefore two possible winners of this week’s award.  When I have more than one draft  it’s hard to make a decision, but this week it was easy – both comments came from the same person.  Those are the kind of tough choices I like making.  The theme of two is apt, because she is known both as Bluebee and BeeBlue.

Whatever she’s called, she wins for her sagacious perspicacity and wisdom:

 I think it’s time Maltesers sponsored this site

This post

and for combining in one comment a pun and a pleasing image of me as a woman on the edge:

That DVT is clearly HAIRY stuff but we’d be bereft if you gave up living dangerously

This post

Congratulations Bleebuel!  Here’s your award:


24 Oct

Some excellent and funny comments this week, thank you; but I laughed hardest at this one from Perfecting Motherhood – who also sees cows every day, so I think she’ll be pleased:

Well, is the WP people had $1000 in superballs, I’d think they’d have an idea of what to do with them to take care of you, miss smarty pants…

It came on the post about superballs.  What appealed to me was the image of enraged WordPress prompters pelting me with rubber balls.  Not that I’m into that sort of thing, but what a great post it would make, once I stopped crying.

Here’s your award, PM:


CoWAbunger Hiccup

17 Oct

This has been the best week so far for comments, and any of the seven that I ruled out would have been a worthy winner in another week – especially SammyDee, for calling me ‘bonkers’; but the Kurgan tells us There can be only one, so it has to be Sidey, for this little ditty, which helped make sense of an incomprehensible post:

I can also count in alcoholic
One Tequila
Two Tequila
Three Tequila

Well done, Sidey!  Here’s your award:

CoWAbunger Corn

10 Oct

This week’s winner might surprise you if you’re new here; but regular readers know I can’t resist a corny joke.  Throw in a fun number and she was bound to be a shoo-in: skipping politely over the double ‘the’, well done, Janie Jones of Janie’s Place Photofor this comment on 9.10.11:

Since we are talking numbers here, I will word my comment in the the form of a joke:

Why was the number 9 afraid?

Because seven “ate” nine.

I confess I did hesitate to give you the award because your blog is providing half my jokes for next year; but corn will out.

Here’s your award:

By the way, is your avatar a Gilmore Girl?  I didn’t notice until I blew it up.  If I’d known you’d have won a lot sooner, just for having great taste in tv.

I Almost Had A CoWAbunger

3 Oct

This week’s award winner is Lisa, the Alien Hippy, for giving me the biggest surprise of the week.

My binary post, 1.10.11 (there’s a phrase I never expected to write), posed a question.  Call me silly but I didn’t actually expect an answer.  But Lisa had one:

Hello lovely Tilly,
The binary number 11011 is equivalent to decimal 27 hexadecimal 1B.
I’m here because you make me giggle and I like to giggle….LOL
Love and hugs. Lisa. xx :)

I can already hear you complaining that she ought to be disqualified for paying compliments, but I like her, so she isn’t.

Lisa writes two great blogs: one on coping with Asperger’s, which she only learned she had as an adult; and one that showcases her poetry and fabulous art work (a piece of which I hope to own one day).  I recommend that you pop over and say ‘hi’.

This is one of her pieces; it’s wonderful:

Well done, Lisa, not only for surprising me, but also for (presumably) knowing the answer to one of life’s ridiculous questions.  Here’s your award:

Apologies that it is a picture of a cow’s backside; it was difficult to find a photo of a binary cow.

To compensate, and because you like to giggle, here’s another:

And one more:

The Elephant In The Blog

29 Sep

I was going to start this post with Sally Field’s famous Oscar speech, You like me!  You really like me!  But it turns out she didn’t say that at all.  Searching for a picture, I came across this blog, and the author tells us what Sally actually said was,

I can’t deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me

Which is a better fit for what’s been happening this last week or so to The Laughing Housewife.  By the way, I’m not speaking of myself in the third person: The Laughing Housewife  laughs all the time, is in a permanently good mood and is never short of blogging topics; The Laughing Housewife author is crabby, headachy and usually scrabbling around for something to write about.

It’s The Laughing Housewife you like, and you’ve been saying so quite a bit; recently I have received:

  • Two Liebster Awards
  • Nomination For Fours
  • Tagging For Fives
  • At least seven Versatile Blogger Awards

I’m not using my usual hyperbole with that last one, I promise; I think it might actually be more, but (I blush to admit it) I lost count.

First and foremost, I have to say this – loud – to you all:


I am.  To receive an award from a fellow blogger is – apologies for the word; I assure you this is also not hyperbole – an honour. An award says, ‘I like your blog enough to write about it; to link to it and encourage others to visit you.’ That’s a nice thing to do; I’m grateful.  It is lovely to know that you enjoy my blog enough to want to share it.

Here’s where the elephant comes in: I received the nominations; I sweetly thanked the nominators, and did nothing: no four-five-seven things about me; no nominating others; no adding the widget. I did that once, the first time I received an award. I was new to blogging and didn’t realise it was, effectively, chain mail. When I tried to pass it on, everyone declined. Not one person wanted it. I thought about that; I realised it was chain mail; I resolved to never again be so taken in by a widget in a fancy dress.

You have gifted me with these awards, then, and I have done nothing.  Blogging is of the moment: people quickly move on (you like me right now; I’m not in danger of forgetting that you might not like me tomorrow); I had hoped that those who passed on the awards would forget that they had nominated me and not be offended if I did not respond.  But you haven’t been allowed to: awards have flown in like Maltesers under the tree on Christmas morning.  To continue to say nothing has become embarrassing.  So, once again, let me tell me how much I appreciate these awards.  And what I have against them.

They are chain letters. I hate chain letters. Chain letters frighten people with their threats that bad things will happen if they are not sent on.   People feel obliged to pass on these awards, and are afraid to offend the givers. 

If you receive a real chain letter in  your inbox, I urge you to send it to me if you are frightened, and I will do the electronic equivalent of burning it: that’s what the trash bin is for. I’ve always trashed them and nothing bad has happened to me, if I discount the Hub’s ill health, unemployment, homelessness, four dead parents…erm…um…

And did you ever hear of anyone suddenly coming in to £20,000 after obeying their dastardly instructions?  Me neither.  Of course, nothing bad will happen if I don’t pass on these awards, if I don’t include offending the kind bloggers who sent them to me in the first place; but I can’t see one without thinking ‘Arrgh!  Chain mail!’

So, in case I haven’t mentioned it, thank you for the award, I really do appreciate the thought; but I’m afraid I think too much of you all to pass it on: I prefer to highlight your blogs in posts as they naturally occur.  I guess you’ll have to consider this one of my seven things you didn’t know about me, alongside the fact that I can’t blow my nose without taking off my glasses first; or in public: too many people; too much snot.

A CoWAbunger That It Physically Hurts Me To Award

26 Sep

The worthy winner this week – not least because she has commented in recent times almost twice as much as her nearest rival and she’s worn me out – is Pseu.

The two comments that won her the award are:

From Joke 179:

Turn me around three tmes and I’m lost. Why hadn’t I thought of using the Cat Navigation?

She continued the joke on Of This That ‘n’ T’other:

This snake is quite obviously lost. Could you lend it the cat nav?

She managed to keep the Cat Nav running joke going through several posts over several days, I think.  I’d find them for you but I’m going out.

She did lose an ‘i’ (and she might lose another before the ceremony is over), but Pseu is a blogger’s dream commenter: She write good.  She funny.  She do my research.  She find You Tube videos.  She should be writing this blog instead of me (without the Maltesers, of course).

In recognition of that, she is not going to receive an ordinary CoWAbunger Award, oh no!  She will receive… she will receive…she will.  She will.  You can do it, Tilly; just grit your teeth and spit it out.  PseuwillreceivetheCoWAbungerMalteserAwardforServicestoThisBlog’sComments

well done Pseu yadda yadda yadda whatever turn off the light on your way out

A CoWAbunger Shared Is A CoWAbunger Doubled

19 Sep

This week’s Comment of the Week Award is shared.  Two ladies wrote with such truth and passion that I couldn’t decide between them.  Their comments were on the same post – There’s Always A Silver Lining – about vuvuzelas.

Congratulations theonlycin   

and Granny 1947!

Cindy’s comment: They’re the soundtrack in Hades

Granny’s comment: Whoever invented the damn things should spend eternity listening to them!

A worthy runner-up was gigihawaii Photo who accidentally invited the vuvuzela-hating community to come live with her:

I have never seen such horns much less heard them.  No such thing in Hawaii.

Well done, you sensible people!   Here are your awards: