Of This And That

12 May


What Should Be An Apology, But Somehow Isn’t

I’ve had a lot going on and no laptop for a while but now everything’s back to normal.  I saved all of your blog posts that came into my inbox – some going back to January – to read when I had more time.  Then  it occurred to me that I never have more time, so I made the decision to delete them all and suddenly I’m six inches taller because the guilt lifted as soon as the emails went into the trash.


Feeling Yellow

I don’t think I mentioned I was quite ill with renal colic before Easter.  Then the tests came back and it wasn’t renal colic after all – thank goodness, because kidney stones would have followed, the doctor was a little too eager to assure me.  What I had was a severe UTI (I don’t want to say ‘urinary tract infection’ because that’s a wee bit icky).  It had me flat out for a week (the Tramadol might have played a little part in that) and it was several more weeks before I was all better.

Live From Worktown

I had a poem in an anthology published in conjunction with this year’s Bolton Festival.  I went along to the launch event.  45 minutes on the train then another 45 minutes trying to find the Octagon Theatre, which is a five minute walk from the station.  The Hub’s instruction, via Google Maps (printed out with little arrows drawn on to show me which way to walk.  He seems to think I can’t be trusted to find my own way around) was to exit the station, turn left, follow the map arrows.  What could go wrong?  Plenty, it seems.

For starters, the station had two exits.

I checked them both out and went with the one that most resembled the Google Street View image the Hub had shown me (did I mention he thinks I can’t find my way out of a railway station?).  I exited, turned left, walked and walked and walked for much longer than five minutes, not finding any street names matching my map.  I walked back to the station and started again.

I exited the second entrance, turned left, walked and walked but not quite so far this time before I turned around and walked back to the station, then around the station, then inside and around the station, then I bought thinking time by raiding the vending machine.

Idea!  Look at the wall map.  

There was bound to be a wall map.  

There was a wall map.  

Very pretty it was, too, with a helpful YOU ARE HERE arrow.  I could even see the theatre on the map.  What I couldn’t see was any indication as to which of the station’s two exits I should use to get to the theatre, nor in which direction I should go, nor any street names that tallied with my well-worn and now a little sweaty map.  As pretty wall maps go, it was a bit of a let down.


The chocolate worked its magic and it occurred to me to ask someone – a very helpful news vendor who told me, Turn right [hear that Hub & Google Maps/Right!] out of the exit that doesn’t appear on Google Street View [okay, he didn’t say that last bit but I could tell he was thinking it], up to the clock tower which is the town hall [or courts or something] and the theatre is just behind it. Which it is, if you come at it from the clock tower’s right if you’re heading up from the station, as I discovered once I had walked the long way around the town hall.

The excitement at actually arriving at my destination meant that for me, the anthology launch itself was a bit of an anticlimax, until I was given a free glass of wine.  Everything looks better after free wine, especially on an empty except for a small bar of chocolate tummy.

I chatted to a bewildered Bolton University Creative Writing student, booze making me loquacious and free with all the writing advice she could ever need – Keep a notebook!  Follow the muse!  Get critiqued!  Read my blog!  Email me if you have any questions! – until she was rescued when I spotted a fellow contributor, Julia McGuiness, who once held a writing workshop I attended, and who used a few of my piku in a writing book she wrote [see, BUCWS: listen to me and you too can write long-winded and confused sentences in just such a style].

I took photos on my phone, sure in the knowledge that I could fiddle with the phone charger lead and connect it to my laptop to upload the photos to share with you.  

I did manage to fiddle with the phone charger lead and connect it to my laptop.  

Sorry there are no photos.  It appears that I don’t know what to do once the phone and laptop are connected.

 Julia D. McGuinness Julia on somebody else’s phone.

Spud Acts Again

Over Easter, Spud was at the national Student Drama Festival in Scarborough, sponsored by The Sunday Times, in Joe Bunce’s The Nutcracker [I accidentally typed The Butcracker and I can’t help thinking I’d really like to see that play].  

A committee checks out student productions throughout the year and then invites twelve from around the country to appear at the Festival. The Nutcracker won four awards, including Best Director and The Cameron Macintosh Award.  I suspect Mr Bunce will go far.  I hope Spud is his Facebook friend because it’s often about who you know in the brutal business known as show.  

You can read a little about the festival and The Nutcracker here.  Spud sent me some photos but I can’t upload them.  Is it possible that UTIs can affect your brain?  Mine stopped working about six weeks ago.

The Hub and I are off to see Spud play Mole in The Wind in the Willows.  More of that later in the week, but here’s a teaser:


26 Responses to “Of This And That”

  1. slpmartin May 12, 2015 at 16:42 #

    It would appear that all the talent in the family is being rightfully recognized…enjoyed your update.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Janie Jones May 12, 2015 at 16:52 #

    So good to hear from you again. Sorry about the UTI… Yuk and owie.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. laurieanichols May 12, 2015 at 17:29 #

    I wouls also be very interested in seeing the Butt Cracker, call me when you have tickets 😉 On a serious note thankgoodness the doctor’s sorted you out properly, I knew that something was awry. It is so wonderful that Spud keeps on performing! I’m glad that you were revived with some chocolates and vino so that yoy could properly enjoy the outing, maybe if the Hub could figure out how to make his maps interactive he could be more helpful with his directions. lol


  4. http://vivinfrance.wordpress.com May 12, 2015 at 17:57 #

    Great that you are better at last, and back in the blogosphere. When you blog,there are no half measures. Pity about the photos: if I can do it, I’m sure you could.Just persevere!
    Break a leg Mole.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. colonialist May 12, 2015 at 18:55 #

    You deleted me? *ourtraged*
    Sorry you had that wee spot of bother.
    Congrats on not only making it into the anthology but making it to the launch in spite of the fates doing their best to stop you.
    Love the W in the W version teaser!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. List of X May 12, 2015 at 19:16 #

    Hopefully, at your next launch event the organizers do the right thing and send a limousine to pick you up.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ron. May 12, 2015 at 22:32 #

    It always un-nerves me that, no matter where I go, the damned wall maps ALWAYS seem to know exactly where I am. I keep searching my skin for the GPS implant site. Also: Whatever channel / program I’m watching seems to be common knowledge. No matter how often I change channels, the announcer always butts in & says, “Your watching ABC’s World News Tonight,” or whatever. It’s creepy.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Al May 12, 2015 at 22:49 #

    Posting that teaser more than makes up for the photo flop. Good to have you back and hope all is well now down under and I don’t mean Australia.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Grannymar May 12, 2015 at 23:09 #

    You were not alone with the dreaded UTI, I was totally floored for a few weeks too. Do you think it was something in the air??? 😉 You have been busy, my Congrats to all!


  10. judyt54 May 13, 2015 at 11:47 #

    There is nothing more disorienting than being in a strange place with the wrong directions (and if you can’t use them, it’s not your fault) that seem to lead to another building in another existence: the dreaded voice of doom–“you cant miss it, ” When I hear that I know Im potentially cursed, and leave an hour early so I’ll have “getting lost time” in my agenda

    You did well. I’d have taken the next damn train home and sulked until dinner time

    Liked by 1 person

  11. bevchen May 13, 2015 at 12:34 #

    Phew, you have been busy! Sorry about the UTI.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Katherine G.Levine May 13, 2015 at 15:51 #

    So glad to see you back. Warning, you are too young too know this, but it is inevitable – aging sucks and all who survive past 65 need lots of laughs to stay strong. Thank you for providing them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Laughing Housewife May 15, 2015 at 11:09 #

      Hello! It’s good to hear from you 🙂

      I’m beginning to get a hint of what you’re saying now I’ve turned fifty; laughter is the only thing keeping me going 😀


  13. benzeknees May 16, 2015 at 23:01 #

    Sorry to hear you’ve been ill & yes, Tramadol will knock you flat on your back! Glad you’re better now. You’ve been busy! Don’t worry about deleting all my posts because I have been equally absent from the blogosphere for the last few months so I probably didn’t have any! LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Musings May 17, 2015 at 02:56 #

    I’m sorry you’ve been going through so much! I can still remember having that bout of UTI! It was awful. I make sure I have cranberry juice on me all the time now.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. SchmidleysScribblins May 18, 2015 at 22:02 #

    Such a talented family, and you the Mom of mole…your doc crossed his eyes I think. UTI is no fun..been there done that.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Elaine - I used to be indecisive May 20, 2015 at 06:58 #

    I’m glad you are feeling much better and life is more back to normal. Your scenario with the station exits is one of my fears. It hasn’t happened yet, but every time I have to find my way somewhere new, and it involves a station, I get quite concerned that it is not going to be obvious which exit I need to use! 🙂
    Well done Spud!

    Liked by 1 person

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