
31 Mar

Yesterday was Mothering Sunday in Britain.  

It was also the day the clocks went forward.

The one day a year a mother gets an extra hour in bed and it’s stolen from her by British Summer Time?

The calendar is clearly compiled by a man.

30 Responses to “Disgruntled”

  1. Al March 31, 2014 at 12:52 #

    Et tu, Tilly?



  2. Elaine - I used to be indecisive March 31, 2014 at 16:34 #

    Excellent point! I think you might be right. 🙂


  3. Grannymar March 31, 2014 at 16:52 #

    You feel hard done by????

    My Elly cheats…. On the years when my birthday and Mother’s day coincide (2013) she celebrates big time on the day. This year she picked a weekend between the two to mark both occasions. I’ll next double up in 2024. I’ll hardly make 2086 or 2097! 😦


  4. bumblepuppies March 31, 2014 at 17:04 #

    Look on the bright side.

    British summer time sounds a whole lot more pleasant than British winter time. 😉


  5. robincoyle March 31, 2014 at 17:37 #

    Men! Of all the nerve.


  6. laurieanichols March 31, 2014 at 19:25 #

    Happy belated mothering day, men are the source of all of womanly discomforts, somehow or someway. The brutes indeed. 😉


  7. misswhiplash March 31, 2014 at 20:51 #

    You could well be right


  8. MELewis March 31, 2014 at 21:00 #

    Why do the Brits celebrate Mother’s Day now? For the rest of the world, it’s the end of May (without the time change and much more likely to have sunshine!)


  9. barb19 March 31, 2014 at 22:31 #

    Happy belated Mother’s Day! I never thought of it like that, so the calendar must have been compiled by a man….but I bet your boys still let you enjoy a lie-in and spoiled you for the rest of the day!


  10. slpmartin March 31, 2014 at 23:34 #

    Seem like your part of the world is responsible for one of the first calendars (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_calendars)…if I were you I’d look around for co-conspirators in your neighborhood.


  11. anotherday2paradise April 1, 2014 at 13:04 #

    It’s a bummer, Tilly, but what can you do. Hope you had a great breakfast prepared for you by your doting family. 🙂 btw, I’m all for cartoons against corruption.


  12. katharinetrauger April 1, 2014 at 13:35 #

    You are so funny. How else would we get to sleep in unless we let everyone else do so, also? Tell me that one! It’s the only way. Someone had to made the sacrifice, right? ❤ K


    • The Laughing Housewife April 1, 2014 at 14:17 #

      But why is it always the mother? 🙂


      • katharinetrauger April 1, 2014 at 17:47 #

        Who is the ONLY one who, from the first hour, was equipped for untimely rising?
        (Barring bottles, of course, which were just a phase, it now seems.)
        Also, who had to get up, traditionally, and get to work outside the home and could not, therefore, steal a few moments of naptime?


  13. SchmidleysScribbling April 1, 2014 at 13:56 #

    I say we take over and ban clocks. If the guys don’t like that, they can stick it where the sun don’t shine!


  14. bevchen April 1, 2014 at 13:57 #

    I’ve always found it mean that the clocks change in the middle of the night on a weekend. why can’t they go forward in the middle of a working day? I wouldn’t mind losing an hour of work 😉 On the other hand, that would mean working an extra hour when they go back again. No thanks!


  15. Rorybore April 2, 2014 at 21:06 #

    My birthday is always near or on Mother’s Day, which I am told by hubby still only means one present. Pretty sure a man made that one up as well.


  16. Janie Jones April 3, 2014 at 11:12 #

    Ahh. How unfortunate your day was infringed upon. However, could you not have argued that due to the shortage of day you were entitled to extra Maltesers in compensation?

    Hope you had a lovely day, regardless.


  17. viveka May 5, 2014 at 20:32 #

    Brilliant …. but it happen all over Europe and for once UK had to follow the rest of us .. and bad luck for the mothers in UK this year.


I welcome your comments but be warned: I'm menopausal and as likely to snarl as smile. Wine or Maltesers are an acceptable bribe; or a compliment about my youthful looks and cheery disposition will do in a pinch.