Tag Archives: April Fool

Weekly Photo Challenge: Through

1 Apr

I’m through. I’m done.

I write this with a heavy heart.  I never understood that phrase until today; I always thought of it as a little melodramatic, but now I get it.  It comes from the feeling you have when you realise you are going to let people down.

Have you noticed recently that my posts have all been guest posts, reblogs, reposts of my old, unread posts?  That there hasn’t been much new material from me? 

Folks, I’m tired.  There’s no fun in funny any more. 

That is why, with a heavy heart, I have decided to give up blogging.  I’m through.  I’m done.  I’m going to spend some time with my neglected house and family.  Maybe watch some daytime tv and veg on the couch.  Take back the four hours I give you each morning.

It’s not like I live an interesting life, or in an exotic place like Hawaii, Paris or Boise, Idaho.  I don’t do much; I don’t see much.  I’m dull.  I’m amazed you read anything I write.  But grateful.

I hope you understand. 

I want to thank you for your wonderful support and brilliant comments over the last three years, and finish with this, which might make things clear for you:



April Fool!



As if I would ever give up blogging!   

I’d rather be nibbled to death by ducks, as my great comic hero, Georgette Heyer, once wrote.  I’d rather give up Twilight.  I’d rather – gasp! – give up Maltesers.

I’m off now to put salt in the Hub’s coffee.  Not for April Fool; just because I feel like it.

See you tomorrow.  And the day after.  And the day after that.  Forever.


I haz April Foolz lolcats. Intended for use on...

I haz April Foolz lolcats. Intended for use on an April Fool's page. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


I’ve Been April Fooled

1 Apr

I am typing this with my left hand, slowly and carefully.  I think I have RSI in my right arm.  It is mild at the moment but I could do some real damage if I ignore it.  I am being sensible because I don’t want to damage my Malteser arm, and because I momentarily blacked out yesterday when I used the spellchecker and saw all those red lines.  The Hub fashioned a sling so I could rest my arm.  I’m surprised he had the material so readily to hand; I suspect he intended to make a gag with it.

The car went in for an MOT this morning.  We took the dogs and walked back.  While I was faffing with leads and wet feet and cups of tea, he checked the emails.  He suddenly shouted to me from the lounge, ‘Tilly!  You’ve had a message from Viv – she says someone’s hijacked your blog.’    I ran like I was chasing an escaped Malteser, jumped over the dogs, flung away the cup I was holding, pushed the Hub off the computer chair, scoured the emails, heard a strange chortling, and found him rofling away in the corner. 

He’s mean.  And I can’t get him back because I’m rubbish at lying; and it will be after twelve when I wake him, so the statute of April Fool limitations will have expired.  Here’s a picture of him instead: