Tag Archives: Influenza vaccine

Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry

12 Nov
Geometry Golf Mushroom

Geometry Golf Mushroom (Photo credit: Oberazzi)

According to Wikipedia, geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space.

Here’s the Hub and me explained geometrically:

Our shape is round (and then some).

Our size is forever expanding (in spite of my cooking).

The relative position of our figures: I am at the computer; the Hub is at the doctor’s right now, asking for a flu jab.

He gives me space to write, blog, believe.  I give him space to breathe.  Or, to put it mathematically:

Hub + Me = 6

or  28  or  496  or  8128  or  2305843008139952128.

According to Wikipedia (who needs a Maths degree when we have Wikipedia?), they are all perfect numbers.

I feel sick.

The Hub has just come in.  He has an appointment for a flu jab tomorrow. Hooray!

The way a flu jab works is like this: a person is injected with something that could hurt them.  It doesn’t hurt them, however, because the dosage is small enough to make it bearable, and to make the person immune to outside attack.

The Hub takes a similar approach to his pragmatic and unromantic wife: he tells me he loves me in small doses, and I hardly notice it enough to feel ill, but it is enough to keep me immune from outside attack [let this be a warning to those of you who never tell your partners that you love them].

Here’s a sampling of his latest:

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Reading this post, I think I caught something.

When Is M.E. Not a Neurological Condition?

30 Oct

Answer: When it is time for a flu jab.

"The One Ring" from J.R.R. Tolkien's...

“The One Ring” from J.R.R. Tolkien’s works (Photo credit: Wikipedia) If only medical reception phones worked like this


The NHS gives free flu jabs every year for those with certain conditions, including pregnancy and anything neurological.  I freely admit the Hub is not pregnant, but he has M.E. which is most definitely a neurological condition.

Unless I try to book his jab, that is.  Every year we go through the same much ado about something important:

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring [The phone in the doctor’s surgery] 

Receptionist: Hello, this is your medical centre speaking.  How may I obstruct you?

Tilly Bud: Hello Beautiful Lady, Keeper of the Appointment Book.  Please may I book a flu jab for my husband if it’s not too much trouble for your Kindly Beautifulness?

Reception [Barks]: Name?

Tilly Polite: The Hub.

Loooooooooong pause.

Recepti [Grunts]: Of number street name?

Tilly Politer: That’s right, O Clever Hoarder of the Surgery Pens.

Recep [Indignant]: He’s not eligible.

Tilly Desperate [Sigh – inaudible to avoid provoking the beast]: We have this discussion every year, dear Starched Muffin of the GPs.  He has M.E., which is a neurological condition.  If you don’t mind checking his record, Lovely Tracker of the Public Toilet Toilet Paper, you will see that he has had the jab every year.

Rec [Reluctant but Dutiful]: I’ll have to speak to the nurse and get back to you. Wait by the phone.  Do not take toilet breaks.  Do not pass/go.  Let your bladder burst and soil your seat before leaving the designated hearing-of-the-ringing-telephone area.  I will make one call only.  No reply from you, and I will disappear from the face of the earth with any possible appointment that may or may not be offered or not offered to your alleged eligible spouse.  Do you understand these conditions as I have explained them to you?  DO YOU?

Tilly Terrified: Yes, O She Who Wields All The Power.  Thank you for your great mercy to this humble supplicant.

R: Don’t mention it.  No, seriously, don’t mention it.  I don’t want the other patients knowing I have a softer side.  [Hangs up]

Tilly waits.


And waits.

Still waiting.

Yellow pool starts to rise.
