Tag Archives: Million Dollar Question

The Million Dollar Question

19 Feb
Eiko and her credit card

Image by eikootje via Flickr

What would you do with a million dollars, tax free?

I was going to be flippant, as usual: pay off my credit cards and buy a box of Maltesers with the change.  But then I had a think about the things I really want that money can buy.

Yes, I would pay off my credit cards but there’d be plenty of change.  I would sleep a little better at night.

Money can’t make the Hub well, but it could make his life easier: a hot tub for his aches and pains.  A taxi service for the boys and me so we didn’t have to stretch his limited energy reserves.  There would be enough money to pay for the things he likes doing, which would raise his endorphin levels, which would help him to feel a little better.  Small but significant changes.

I’d pay off Tory Boy’s student debt and put enough away for Spud’s when the time comes.  Give them driving lessons and a Berlitz language course.  They’d have all they need to face life then, because they’re already smart.

Redecorate our bedroom.

I’d see certain people right, as a thank you for their kindness to me/us.  Something for charity as well.  The Hub has this dream of winning huge amounts so he could set up a trust that would help people who couldn’t find money elsewhere: like the person who needs life-saving treatment in another country or the old man who can’t afford to bury his wife.  The awful things we read about in the paper.

I can’t think of anything else.  With the love of a good man and two fantastic sons, I’m rich enough. 

Wait!  I forgot one: with all that dosh floating around he wouldn’t be able to stop himself buying more crap: I’d buy the Hub a warehouse.