In Which I Eat Elephant Ears

4 Apr

You may recall my post about elephant ears and what a disappointment (of sorts) it was to discover that they were not, in fact, mammoth trophies but were…well, if you don’t know, you’ll have to read the post for yourself.

Now I discover there is another kind of elephant ears: the kind you can eat! The best kind.

Don’t worry, I might not be vegetarian (shudder) but even I would balk at a pachyderm pot roast.

No, my lovely American friend Laurie, who blogs at laurieanichols, sent a surprise parcel in the post – a tin of elephant ears: homemade biscuits, so-called because of their shape.


Sadly, the Hub has just been diagnosed as diabetic, so he couldn’t have any; Spud doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, so he had a taste, approved of them, but declined to eat any more; Tory Boy lives elsewhere; and I watch my weight these days.  

I value my friendships more than my figure, however, so I manfully swallowed as many elephant ears as I could.


At the risk of offending all of my other friends who have fed me homemade biscuits before, I have to apologise and say: these were the best biscuits I have ever tasted.

I will always remember them fondly.  And so will my waist.  Thank you, Laurie!

42 Responses to “In Which I Eat Elephant Ears”

  1. judyt54 April 4, 2014 at 15:01 #

    I admire your grace under pressure, and the fact that you were willing to sacrfice (insert excuse here) deeply to avoid hurting your friend’s feelings. I would have done the same. The fact that you left crumbs shows it wasn’t just greed, but true friendship. No sacrifice too great. The crumbs would be wonderful, however, as a topping for ice cream. or mixed with whipped cream. Or just gnommed up one bit at a time.


    • The Laughing Housewife April 4, 2014 at 15:02 #

      I solemnly accept your advice and the gnomming will commence forthwith.

      What a fabulous word!


      • judyt54 April 4, 2014 at 15:06 #

        thank you. It just seemed to fit the process. Fee free to use it at will. Or anyone else. =)


  2. Elaine - I used to be indecisive April 4, 2014 at 15:08 #

    They look delicious. Perhaps it is just as well that Hub couldn’t eat them and Spud doesn’t have a sweet tooth, or the scale of your sacrifice would not have been so great Surely large sacrifices are better than small ones? 😉


  3. katharinetrauger April 4, 2014 at 15:10 #


    My mom ran a bakery/doughnut shop when I was a teen, and I loved these creatures! So did the customers, though, and because they are troublesome to mass-produce, I rarely could talk her out of one of them. Since I was easily appeased with all the other goodies, I think I’ve eaten about 5 of them in my life. But loved them!

    Very good of Laurie to send you some! Way to go, Laurie!

    So, I have to ask: How do they rate against Maltesers? 😉


  4. laurieanichols April 4, 2014 at 15:11 #

    You are so very welcome, and by the way using the crumbs as a topping over ice cream or even whipped cream is a stroke of genius, but the word gnomming is pretty cool too. 😀 Judyt54 knows about the good things in life.


  5. April 4, 2014 at 15:13 #

    These look suspiciously like a French favourite called “palmiers”. They’re remarkably easy to replicate – ja want the recipe?

    Poor Hub. Does he have to have insulin, or just a diet? Give him a hug from me.


  6. bumblepuppies April 4, 2014 at 15:47 #

    I love elephant ears. (Mental note: visit bakery, not zoo.)


  7. slpmartin April 4, 2014 at 17:46 #

    Now that’s what I call “sweet praise” for your writing skills.


  8. jmgoyder April 4, 2014 at 17:57 #

    Laurie never sent me anything (sob) hahaha! Thinking of you Tilly and, yeah, that Laurie rocks!


  9. bluebee April 4, 2014 at 22:57 #

    I detect not the least bit of sympathy for the Hub. I hope you didn’t eat them in front of him.


  10. McGuffy Ann April 5, 2014 at 12:15 #

    Yes, they are popular here in America. They can usually be found in food concessions at fairs and carnivals. Glad you liked them!


  11. Rorybore April 5, 2014 at 19:31 #

    you are such a giving person! ha
    they do look delicious though! I’ll have to hop on over there and see if she has the recipe posted. Even though I did Just make cinnamon buns; I’ll lead by your giving example and force myself to make some more yummy goodness. 🙂


  12. anotherday2paradise April 5, 2014 at 20:22 #

    I admire your fortitude, Tilly. My hubby would definitely have helped you out. 🙂


  13. Grannymar April 6, 2014 at 11:21 #

    they looked very moreish!


  14. Three Well Beings April 7, 2014 at 05:03 #

    When I was a child these were my favorite treats on weekends with my grandparents. I haven’t actually thought of them in years! Now I have to find a bakery that sells them. I won’t be able to resist. How nice of Laurie to send them your way. As long as treats don’t come in the door too often, don’t we deserve a little sweet feast? 🙂


    • The Laughing Housewife April 7, 2014 at 14:32 #

      Definitely! I know I do, anyway 😉

      I’d never heard of them until they arrived. What a treat!


  15. SchmidleysScribbling April 10, 2014 at 18:36 #

    They are great cookies. One or two wouldn’t kill you. As they are made with egg white, they are loaded with protein…at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


  16. emmasouthlondon April 17, 2014 at 11:28 #

    I’m So enjoying your posts
    Thank you!


    • The Laughing Housewife April 17, 2014 at 13:49 #

      Thank you! Especially as I haven’t written anything in a fortnight (which is what I’ve just come in here to write about).


  17. viveka May 5, 2014 at 20:30 #

    Love touch … and a love thank you post …. we have them over here too, but a bit too sweet for me. You did a good job on them.



  1. I Lost A Friend | The Laughing Housewife - May 9, 2017

    […] the time she sent me some elephant ears, all the way from the US to the UK.  You can read about it here.  That post arose from another post (read that one here) I had written, and here is the […]


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