I’ve Learned A New Word

6 Dec
Sun and Ice Fog on Boot Lake

Image by EclecticBlogs via Flickr

Not a swear word, you’ll be glad to hear: 


If that’s not a fantastic word, then I don’t know what is.

It came from Dictionary.com: sign up for free and receive an email every day, giving you a new word.  I love Dictionary.com for two reasons: for all the new words I learn; and for all the words it sends me that I already know, so I can pretend I’m really smart that day.

Pogonip is defined as An ice fog that forms in the mountain valleys of the western U.S.  It’s from the Shoshone word for ‘thunder-fog’.  Don’t you love a language that even has the term ‘thunder-fog’?

If you like learning new words, check out my South Africa blog; today I talk about biltong and dorps.


You may recall a while back I promised you a photo of the most beautiful toddler in the world; well here it is:


Just for good measure, here’s one of him with his parents.  You can see he gets his good looks from his mother:

Daddy is the Hub’s nephew and also the perpetrator of many a joke against me, including a fart machine before they were popular, and telling me they had taken the word ‘gullible’ out of the dictionary.  I showed him my own dictionary but he pointed out that it was an old copy; I eventually believed him.  I have no defence, even if it was back in my what’s the internet? days; I guess I’m just…what’s the word?  Let me check Dictionary.com.

This photo is my revenge for his latest trick.  Do you remember my wooden leg post?  You may also remember I had a response from a Shirley Bumtruffle: he confessed the other day that she ’twas indeed he.  I suspected someone else altogether; he had me completely bumtruffled.


9 Responses to “I’ve Learned A New Word”

  1. Debbie December 6, 2010 at 13:05 #

    My brother got me with the ‘gullible’s been taken out of the dictionary’ one. I am officially the gullible one in our family.

    I like the Shirley Bumtruffle / wooden leg joke. I think the Hub’s nephew would get on well with my brother….


  2. slpmartin December 6, 2010 at 16:39 #

    Ah…had a high school teacher who would learn five new words from the dictionary each…one the influences that fostered a love of words for me…enjoyed your post.


    • Tilly Bud December 6, 2010 at 21:07 #

      One of those teachers you will always remember. I’ve had a couple like that.


  3. vivinfrance December 6, 2010 at 17:23 #

    Loved the post, but only gave you three stars because Shirley Bumtruffle’s response to the wooden leg story has disappeared into the ether. Two lovely words today. Thanks.


    • Tilly Bud December 6, 2010 at 21:08 #

      No, it was sent by email and I pasted it into my blog. Click ‘response’ and it takes you there. And can I have my stars back, please?


      • vivinfrance December 7, 2010 at 10:56 #

        It didn’t work last time, but I just tried again and it did, so I’ve given you a thumbs up instead.



  1. I’ve Learned A New Word | Γονείς σε Δράση - December 6, 2010

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