Archive | 14:25

Were He Not Romeo Called

5 Jan
Holly, attributed to the Drummonds, MacInneses...

Image via Wikipedia

Thinking about things that made me smile, I suddenly remembered this moment from my youth.

When I was a teenager I was friends with a couple called Colin Healing and Faith Willis; they were fairly serious until he asked her to marry him. 

She turned him down because she refused to become Mrs Faith Healing. 

I swear that’s a true story!

I forgot to share this charming poem with you before Christmas, written by our nine-year old niece especially for us; I have copied it exactly as it was written in the card:

A Poem For You, By Me

when you see snow you know

that Christmas is near, but I fear that we can not

walk on the pier. 

we’ll just have to wait ‘till the snow goes and

the sun comes out and glows.

All for you


Is that not the sweetest poem you’ve ever read?


I need help with Word 2007: My documents have suddenly started showing a symbol when I press Enter: two vertical lines with a left-hand solid bump; I can’t show you what it looks like because it won’t copy & paste. 

Does anyone know how to get rid of it?


In keeping with the spirit of postaday2011 and Tory Boy’s nagging (a defective gene he obviously inherited from his father), I am going to try and post a poem a day on my other blog.  If you have a penchant for the grim and bleak, trot on over there.  I won’t save the world but my stats will rise.  See, there’s always a silver lining.

A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Stinky

5 Jan
International Tidyman logo inside blue circle ...

Image via Wikipedia

Today is dustbin collection day (when they can be bothered).  Unlike our council, I don’t expect my elderly neighbour to roll out huge bins from her back garden, so I take in her rubbish.  This morning I took her food waste and put it in my indoor food waste bin because it was absolutely chucking it down outside and I didn’t want to go to the bottom of my garden-come-swamp to put it in the green bin.  How I regret that decision now. 

The house honks of rotting fish.  Every window is open in spite of the cold and rain; and so is the Hub’s mouth, non-stop:



Anyone need a nagging husband?  I have one going spare.