Archive | 20:55

The Art Of Painting

23 Mar

Once I got the stuff down from the loft I had to start.  I like painting, once I get going.  To get going, however, involves a lot of preparation.  The Hub insists that if his wife is going to do the job, she’s going to do it properly.  He’s good like that.  He always makes sure I have good equipment, and even bought me a special paint roller cleaning thingy that is my personal Kryptonite because I am feeble in the face of it but it really does clear the roller of all excess paint.  He’s so thoughtful.  I don’t know what I’d do without him.  Hire a decorator, maybe?



The operation went like this:

  • Preparation: 3.5 hours
  • Painting: 2 hours
  • Clean Up: 3.5 hours

The first 3.5 hours does involve a lot of, ‘Spud, will you pleeeeease get off the PS3 and into the loft for my paint gear?’ and the second 3.5 hours included a 2-hour bath and a one-hour drying-off period, and the nine hours were spread over a month, but you can still see I was busy the whole day, can’t you?

As requested, here is a photo of the newly painted ceiling:

Isn’t it lovely?  A thing of beauty is a joy forever; in this case, that’s probably true: I’m not painting it again; my backthighsshoulderslegsarmswristshandshead is aching.  One coat will do.  Which reminds me: I learned a few things yesterday.

  • The ratio of paint to hair is roughly equivalent to the ratio of paint to brush, because
  • What goes up tends to come down again
  • Ladders are evil
  • Always use the ladder without the missing foot
  • And the ladder that lets you reach the far corner
  • If you  must paint in your pyjamas (and I must; I don’t know why), don’t use your favourites unless you don’t intend wearing them again
  • You can remove the light bulbs or see what you’re doing; you can’t do both
  • Fortunately, emulsion can be wiped off wallpaper
  • Fortunately, wet emulsion can be wiped off wallpaper
  • Don’t put off wiping now instead of leaving it for later
  • Unfortunately, dry emulsion cannot be wiped off wallpaper

It was hard work but there is the reward of a job well done, which was the satisfaction of a job done.  The whole of my downstairs has been decorated in the last twelve months.  Such a good feeling.  Apart from one piece of skirting board.  I also have to paint the skirting board up the stairs and the bannister on the stair-side.  That’s a job for next week.  First, I have to buy some new pyjamas.

Job Done

23 Mar

I got the ceilings painted.  All I can say is owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

More later.

PS You do realise that my next post is going to be as interesting as watching paint dry?