I Like The Chinese

8 Jan

They have an excellent policy on the elderly – visit them, or else.

A newspaper reports that the Chinese government is considering a law that requires children to visit their aging parents or face legal consequences.

I wish they’d bring it in here: Tory Boy has only been home twice since September.


If you came here expecting a longer post, I have to tell you that I am exhausted from the three-page essay on my limerick over on SAPoems.  Can you tell me why it is, the shorter my poems, the longer the exposition?

9 Responses to “I Like The Chinese”

  1. vivinfrance January 8, 2011 at 17:50 #

    I love being visited by my family, but it’s jolly hard work with all the shopping, cooking and laundry, not to mention entertaining them! Maybe that’s why I feel about as energetic as a length of string!


  2. gigihawaii January 8, 2011 at 18:16 #

    I love your South African blog and have included it in my blogroll. I included your Laughing Housewife blog, also.


    • Tilly Bud January 9, 2011 at 17:35 #

      Thank you Gigi; I really appreciate that.


  3. slpmartin January 8, 2011 at 18:30 #

    Sounds like a reasonable law to me. 🙂


  4. musings January 8, 2011 at 20:24 #

    No kidding? That sounds very interesting. Wouldn’t it be amazing if they even talked about something like that here?


    • earlybird January 9, 2011 at 09:57 #

      It would, wouldn’t it. Apparently the number of elderly literally abandoned in old people’s homes is quite terrifying. Scary thought on a day when I discovered that I have a white hair in my right eyebrow…


    • Tilly Bud January 9, 2011 at 17:34 #

      It would. Just shows that even communists have a good side 🙂

      OOps! Accidentally typed ‘god side’ – talk about a Freudian slip 🙂


I welcome your comments but be warned: I'm menopausal and as likely to snarl as smile. Wine or Maltesers are an acceptable bribe; or a compliment about my youthful looks and cheery disposition will do in a pinch.