Buy The Book (1)

8 Feb

Exciting news!  I have two friends with books out.  I’ll tell you about one today and one tomorrow.

The first is Tom Fleck by Harry Nicholson:

Tom Fleck

‘Sharp as quivering hares are the Flecks. We’ve eyes and ears for things other folk miss.’

In the aftermath of Flodden, a young man finally understands his father’s words.


The year: 1513. The place: North-East England.

Tom Fleck, a downtrodden farm worker but gifted archer, yearns to escape his masters. He unearths two objects that could be keys to freedom: a torque of ancient gold and a Tudor seal ring. He cannot know how these finds will determine his future.

Rachel Coronel craves an end to her Jewish wanderings. When the torque comes to rest around the neck of this mysterious woman, an odyssey begins which draws Tom Fleck into borderlands of belief and race.

The seal ring propels Tom on a journey of self-knowledge that can only climax in another borderland – among the flowers and banners of Flodden Field.

Harry Nicholson now lives near Whitby in North Yorkshire. He grew up in Hartlepool from where his family have fished since the 16th C. He had a first career as a radio officer in the merchant navy. A second career followed in television studios.

Since retirement he has devoted himself to art (the cover is one of his paintings), poetry and the teaching of meditation. This is his first novel. 


I’ve read Tom Fleck; I loved it.  It has a sweet romance but the heart of the book is Tom’s journey: a road trip for the 16th Century.  What I loved most about it is Harry’s gift for interesting detail, the fascinating stuff that’s usually left out and shouldn’t be.

Buy it!  You’ll love it, I promise.


You can get it from Amazon and other online retailers, or from the author himself; go to his blog for a taster. 


14 Responses to “Buy The Book (1)”

  1. vivinfrance February 8, 2011 at 13:28 #

    Bravo, Tilly, for thinking of doing this. I reckon he’s going to need a second printing! And I can second Tilly’s recommendation: I’ve read Tom Fleck at least three times in instalments, on screen, and can’t wait to read the complete book in the flesh.


    • Tilly Bud February 8, 2011 at 14:38 #

      It’s what anyone would do. You should do it, too! Some of our readers cross over, but not all. The more publicity we can generate, the better.


      • Harry Nicholson February 23, 2011 at 15:40 #

        I’ve just done a search for references to ‘Tom Fleck’ and find them in the most surprising places – often referring back to ’tilly-bud’. The oddest was an Iranian site – the search engine translated the page from Farsi, but then I lost the trail. It’s in there somewhere.
        You have a long reach. Linda.


        • Tilly Bud February 23, 2011 at 16:39 #

          I’m not sure whether we should all be pleased or frightened…hope Tom’s selling well, Harry.


  2. kolembo February 8, 2011 at 14:36 #

    Thanks for this. My mother went to school in Whitby and I, when in England stayed at Faceby house with a family called the Bye’s.

    i got far to drunk at the local pub (I was too young to understand when to stop) and peed in the bed they’d offered me. I was horrified!

    Strange when friends become Authors hey?


  3. Harry Nicholson February 8, 2011 at 15:25 #

    Tilly bud, you have pinged me – I’ve had one nudge on Facebook but never been pinged before.
    What to do? I replied on my blog to say that I’m thrilled at your posting.


    • Tilly Bud February 8, 2011 at 16:04 #

      I’ve answered you there, Harry.

      Hope you enjoyed the sensation!


  4. halfp1nt February 8, 2011 at 19:11 #

    Thanks for the heads up! I’m off to have a gander 🙂


  5. nrhatch February 8, 2011 at 19:51 #

    Thanks for spreading the word, Tilly!


  6. viewfromtheside February 8, 2011 at 20:07 #

    wonderful, sounds like a great read


  7. RJ Clarken February 8, 2011 at 21:53 #

    Now my interest is piqued. I want to read this book!


  8. Tilly Bud February 9, 2011 at 13:11 #

    I’m happy to help out. If anyone else has a book to publicize, I’ll gladly blog about it.



  1. Tom Fleck by Harry Nicholson | Vivinfrance's Blog - February 8, 2011

    […] My good friend Tillybud, alias the Laughing Housewife, has posted some advice.  I thoroughly endorse her words.    The simplest thing is to give you the link to her post: […]


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