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To Answer Your Question

19 Sep
English: human mind for performance psychology...

English: human mind for performance psychology DYK page (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Squeezing this in before more visitors arrive.  My boys say we should think about turning this house into a hotel.

To answer your question, the courses I have signed up for with FutureLearn are:

For two reasons: they sound interesting; and there was no creative writing course.

I am thrilled that so many of you have signed up for something.  Learning is fun (but knowledge is power.  Hope that helps with my electricity bill).


Joke 910

19 Sep

Potpourri from San Ako si Ricky Lee 

The Pope, the US President, Silvio Berlusconi and a child are on a flight that is about to crash. There are only three parachutes.

The US President says, “I am the President of the most powerful country in the world. I cannot die!” He grabs a parachute and jumps.

Silvio Berlusconi shouts, “I am the shrewdest man in the world. I cannot die!”  He grabs a parachute and jumps.

The Pope says to the child, “Please, take the last parachute. I am an old man, you are young, save yourself.”

The child says to the Pope, “Oh, don’t worry, Your Eminence; the shrewdest man in the world just jumped out with my backpack!”


Any joke on this blog involving the Pope begs a repetition of my new favourite joke:


I am the Vatican’s barber.  I rock papal scissors.


Thanks to Sara for the first joke.