Archive | October, 2013

Another Poetry Reading

31 Oct
smiley face stickers

smiley face stickers (Photo credit: South Carolina’s Northern Kingdom)

You may remember the poetry reading I gave in September at Walthew House, which supports Stockport’s blind and deaf people.  I gave another this morning.  No microphone juggling today – we all sat around a table.

Last time, it was mostly doom and gloom about my years in South Africa; this time, I read lighthearted poems by other poets, and poems of my own along similar themes.

The group is delightful and kept me on my toes because some of them, as readers, are much more knowledgeable about poets than I am.

Despite the dry mouth and two full glasses of water – excuse me while I pop to the loo again – I really enjoyed myself.

And so did they: I’ve been invited to come back in the spring.

This year, I tell ya – I’m loving it.


Joke 952

31 Oct

How can you tell an Italian witch from an English one?
By her suntan.

Who won the skeleton beauty contest?
No body.

When is it unlucky to see a black cat?
When you’re a mouse.

What’s the ratio of a pumpkin’s circumference to its diameter?
Pumpkin Pi.

What do you get if you cross a hairdresser with a werewolf?
A monster with an all over perm. 

 Why are banshees good tennis players?
They make a good old racket.



These were all lifted straight from Tom Merriman’s blog, Within the Sphere, because I have no shame – in intellectual property theft or in sharing terrible jokes.  I love ’em.

Joke 951

30 Oct
Drink Coffee Stupid

Drink Coffee Stupid (Photo credit: chuckyeager)

Dianne over at Schmidleys Scribbling tells me They Walk Among Us…


A man bought a new fridge for his house.  To  get  rid of his old fridge, he put it in  his front yard  and hung a sign on it  saying: ‘Free to good  home. You want it,  you take it.’

For three days  the fridge sat there without anyone looking twice.

He eventually decided that people were too mistrustful of this deal, so he changed the  sign to read: ‘Fridge for  sale $50.’

The  next day, someone  stole it.


One   day I was walking down the beach  with some  friends when someone  shouted, ‘Look at that dead bird!’

Someone looked up at the sky and said, ‘Where?’

They  walk among  us!   


While looking at a house, my brother asked the real estate agent which direction was north because he didn’t want the sun waking him up every morning.

She asked, ‘Does the sun rise in the north?’

My  brother explained that the sun rises in the east and has for sometime.  She shook her head and said, ‘Oh, I don’t keep up with all that stuff…’

They  walk among  us!


My colleague and I were eating our lunch in our cafeteria, when we overheard a girl  talking about the sunburn she got on her weekend drive to the  beach.

She drove down in a convertible, but said she ‘didn’t think she’d get sunburned because the car was moving.’

They  walk among  us!   


A man was driving when he saw the flash of a traffic camera. He figured that his picture had been taken for exceeding the limit, even though he knew that he was not speeding.  Just to be sure, he went  around the block and passed the same spot,  driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed. Now he began to think that this was quite funny, so he drove even slower as he  passed the area again, but the traffic camera again flashed. He tried a fourth time with the same result. He did this a fifth time and was now laughing when the camera flashed as he rolled  past, this time at a snail’s pace.

Two weeks later, he got five tickets in the mail for driving without a seat belt.                                                               
They walk among us. 

I’m So000oo Unstressed

29 Oct

I had a great week!



A stressbuster workshop.  Ommmmmmmm…

We were given a lesson in basic meditation.  Not sure it’s for me because the only people I know with third eyes appeared in Total Recall, but the deep breathing tip really helped:

Nasty bus driver?  Breathe in…breathe out…

Unexpected bill?    Breathe in…breathe out…

Hub wants his dinner?  Breathe in…hit out…



A.M.  Seven poetry books arrived from Amazon, thanks to my lovely friend Early Bird, who sent me a gift voucher.  I was able to buy collections from poets I love but can’t usually afford.  Thank you, EB!

Seven books for one reader!

Seven books for one reader!

P.M.  The dentist.  Ummmm…not what I’d usually consider a pleasant experience, especially when x-rayed teeth are involved, but I was so relieved to learn there is no infection in my mouth that I count the visit as the highlight of my day.

Every student bar needs the perfect setting.

Every student bar needs the perfect setting.


A trip to Sheffield.  Ecky thump!  No one told me how pretty a city it is:

Such a pretty view...

Such a pretty view…

A third of it is under the Peak District National Park and there are four trees to every person.  Spud loved it.

We toured the campus… i.e. the city centre.  Also one of the two student villages – there was a sports bar with a huge TV, which Spud took as a good omen.  We had our picnic lunch in the Students’ Union (voted No. 1 in the UK).  Everyone was lovely, friendly, helpful.  I loved it.

We had time to kill between events so we visited the museum:


The highlight of Spud’s day was the visit to the Psychology lecture theatre.   There were about fifty people in the room, half of them prospective students; Spud was one of just three males.  Apparently, it’s more popular with girls than boys; though all of the top Psychology people cited by the (female) lecturer were men.   The professor gave a fascinating talk, which left me half-inclined to enrol myself.

Spud came out of the room with a huge grin on his face.

Mum: Did you enjoy that?  I think you’re really going to love it here.  The course sounds so good.

Spud: Did you see the ratio of girls to boys??



A.M. To the doctor, to discuss test results and why I’m chronically knackered this year.

Doctor: menopause menopause menopause


Earl Grey Tea in a fancy place in Manchester, with the stickiest, ickiest table I’ve ever been adhered to.


Click photos to see original links

That was followed by Seven Brides For Seven Brothers and a funny, rip-roarin’ romp of an afternoon.  Sam Attwater, former soap star, a winner of Dancing On Ice, can act, sing, dance and ice skate.  I’d never have married the Hub if I’d known the perfect man was out there.  I just needed to wait fifteen years.

Dinner at Café Rouge.  Yum, yum and triple-yum is all I can say.  Oh, and hic.

Thanks go to my lovely friend Louise, whose birthday treat for me it was; and who was also fifty this year, so it was a double celebration.

Thank you, Louise, for the wonderful, wonderful day.



Ender's Game experience

Ender’s Game experience (Photo credit: Todd Awbrey)

Ender’s Game opened.  At last at last at last!  How have I managed to go twenty years without a movie of my favourite book?

Contrary to expectations, I didn’t hate it.  I enjoyed it.  I’d have liked a lot more Battle Room scenes but there wasn’t the time.  The Battle Room itself was fabulous.  Asa Butterfield was good.  Harrison Ford almost made me believe he can act.  Great stuff all round.

There were some changes, naturally, but they worked, for the most part, so I won’t complain; but I did agree with this critic that the

overly dry script feels like it’s trying too hard to cram everything in, yet still feels insubstantial. The key character beats are all there, but because you move from one to the next in the blink of an eye, there’s no sense of character evolution – one minute Ender’s a raw rookie, the next he’s an accomplished leader and saviour-of-humanity elect.

Richard Edwards, SFX

By the way, if you think you’re going to see Harry Potter meets Star Wars, you’re not.  Read the book.


After the cinema, I shared my final birthday gift with Spud and Hub: a £20 Nando’s voucher from my good friend Alison (who also bought me flowers on the day; as well as a meal and a trip to see Ghost the Musical).


In conclusion:

A great week; a great summer; a great way to turn fifty.  Thank you to everyone who made it happen.  Old people don’t come more blessed than me 🙂

Joke 950

29 Oct

Students in an advanced Biology class were taking their mid-term exam.

Frank Thone (1891-1949)

Frank Thone (1891-1949) (Photo credit: Smithsonian Institution) (Funny biologist)

The last question was, ‘Name seven advantages of Mother’s Milk.’ The question was worth 70 points or none at all.

One student struggled think of seven advantages.  However, he wrote:

  1. It is perfect formula for the child.
  2. It provides immunity against several diseases.
  3. It is always the right temperature.
  4. It is inexpensive.
  5. It bonds the child to mother, and vice versa.
  6. It is always available as needed.

And then the student was stuck. Finally, in desperation, just before the bell rang indicating the end of the test, he wrote:

7. It comes in two attractive containers and it’s high enough off the ground where the cat can’t get it.

He got an A.


Thanks to Grannymar for this one.


Dog’s Life

28 Oct

Read Tinman’s brilliant take on the stupidity of dog owners.

Worth Doing Badly

She was dozing happily in the sun when she heard the sounds, the sounds that she had heard so often before. The yelp of terror, the whirring of a rope uncoiling, the thump of someone hitting dry earth, and the echoing clank of the same someone being hit on the head by a tin bucket.

Timmy had fallen down the well again.

Lassie sighed, climbed to her paws, and set off to let somebody know.

Other dogs didn’t have to put up with this crap, she told herself. Timmy and his four owners spent each summer holiday in search of dark catacombs, hidden treasure, and high teas. Snoopy spent most of his life asleep on top his kennel. The Hound of the Baskervilles (or Snuffles, as all they knew him) got to terrorise the entire Devonshire moors with his huge footprints, flame-red eyes and blood-freezing late-night yowl.

Lassie, however, got to be…

View original post 526 more words

Joke 949

28 Oct

Ask a dog to change a light bulb…

Funny Dog Door Mat

Funny Dog Door Mat (Photo credit: pberry)

  • Golden Retriever: The sun is shining the day is young, we’ve got our whole lives ahead of us, and you’re inside worrying about a stupid burned out bulb?
  • Border Collie: Just one?  And then I’ll replace any wiring that’s not up to code.
  • Dachshund: You know I can’t reach that stupid lamp!
  • Rottweiler: Make me.
  • Funny dog

    Funny dog (Photo credit: kattebelletje)

    Boxer: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark.

  • Labrador: Oh, me, me!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Huh? Can I?  Pleeeeeeeeeze, please, please, please!
  • German Shepherd: I’ll change it as soon as I’ve led these people from the dark, checked to make sure I haven’t missed any, and made just one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation.
  • Jack Russell Terrier: I’ll just pop it in while I’m bouncing off the walls and furniture.
  • Old English Sheep Dog: Light bulb? What light bulb?  I can’t see anything.
  • Cocker Spaniel: Why change it? I can still mess on the carpet in the dark.
  • Yorkshire Terrier: Sure; let me just bark and bark and bark at it first. Where’s my treat?
  • Pointer: I see it, there it is, there it is, right there…
  • Greyhound: It isn’t moving. Who cares?
  • Australian Shepherd: First, I’ll put all the light bulbs in a little circle…
  • Poodle: I’ll just blow in the Border Collie’s ear and he’ll do it.  By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.
A funny picture of a cat on streets in Riga, L...

A funny picture of a cat on streets in Riga, Latvia. Visit for more information about Latvia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Cat’s Answer: ‘Dogs do not change light bulbs. People change light bulbs.  

So, the real question is: How long will it be before I can expect some light, some dinner, and a massage?’

Proving once again that, while dogs have masters, cats have staff.


From a

Joke 948

27 Oct

Remember!   The clocks went back last night so some of you will be getting this joke an hour earlier.  

Daylight savings time world

Daylight savings time world (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Or later.  I never get the hang of Daylight Saving Time.  And I’m not the only one, apparently…

  • Salvador Dali’s note to self for daylight savings: “Don’t forget to melt the clocks.”
  • Congratulations clock next to my bed, you’re the right time again. Just took some patience.
  •  It sucks cause I also lost an hour back in February (I watched the pilot of ABC’s The River)
  • I just lost another hour trying to figure out how to reset the clock in my car.
  • If daylight savings time is throwing your brain for a loop today, wait ’til you hear this: “favorite” isn’t a verb.
  • Thank you daylight savings time for giving me an excuse to be an hour late to everything for the next week and a half.
  • Set all my clocks ahead 12 hours, so I’m good for the next 12 years.
  • Next year we should set the clocks ahead to when people have stopped making Daylight Savings jokes.

The original Twitter sources can be found at The Huff Post.


Joke 947

26 Oct
Portrait of a Lady

Portrait of a Lady (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A woman decided to have her portrait painted. She told the artist, ”Paint me with diamond earrings, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets, a ruby brooch, and gold Rolex.”

“But you’re not wearing any of those things,” replied the artist.

“I know,” she said. “It’s in case I should die before my husband. I’m sure he will remarry right away, and I want his new wife to go crazy looking for the jewellery.”



Joke 946

25 Oct
pedestrians reduce speed

pedestrians reduce speed (Photo credit: Leonard John Matthews)

Two small county judges were both arrested for speeding on the same day. Rather than call the state Supreme Court for a visiting judge, each agreed to hear the other’s case.

The first judge took the bench while the second stood at the defendant’s table, and admitted his guilt. The sentencing judge immediately suspended both the fine and costs.

They switched places. The second judge admitted that he was speeding, too, whereupon the first judge immediately fined him $250 and ordered him to pay court costs.

The second judge was furious. “I suspended your fine and costs, but you threw the book at me!” he fumed.

The first judge looked stern and replied, “This is the second such case we’ve had in here today. Someone has to get tough on all this speeding!” 




Joke 945

24 Oct
best dentist cartoon ever

best dentist cartoon ever (Photo credit: davechiu)

Q: What does the dentist of the year get?

A: A little plaque.

Q: What is a dentist’s office?

A: A filling station.

Q: What did the dentist see at the North Pole?

A: A molar bear.

Q: What did the dentist say to the golfer?

A: “You have a hole in one.”

Q: Why does a dentist seem moody?

A: Because he always looks down in the mouth.

Every member of the family should form the hab...

Every member of the family should form the habit of brushing the teeth (Photo credit: Government & Heritage Library, State Library of NC)

Q: What did the werewolf eat after he’d had his teeth taken out?

A: The dentist.

Q: Why do dentists like potatoes?

A: Because they are so filling.

Q: Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused a Novocaine injection during root canal treatment?

A: He wanted to transcend dental medication. 



Joke 944

23 Oct
Unpaid Internship?  I Think Not.

Unpaid Internship? I Think Not. (Photo credit: william couch)

You Know You’re A Student When…

  • Going to the library is a social event.
  • No matter what ails you, the nurse can only give you generic non-aspirin.
  • You need a map to find your classroom.
  • It’s not unusual to see four feet in the next shower stall.
  • You wear flip-flops in the shower, to avoid the mysterious creeping crud.
  • You pay outrageous prices for books that are worthless to you after four months.
  • The word ‘rush’ does not mean ‘to be in a hurry.’
  • You buy enough underwear to last five weeks so you do not have to wash your clothes often.
  • You’re willing to pay extra for edible food.
  • You’ll pay any sum of money to have a pizza delivered to your room at 2:00 a.m.
  • Out of sheer desperation, you attempt to cook a grilled cheese sandwich on an iron.
  • Standing in line for half an hour to get a bowl of corn flakes is worth the wait.
  • While your mother lectures you over the phone, you take notes.


Heeheehee :)

22 Oct

I wasn’t going to post today but I had to write this one quickly.

I don’t really have bad breath, honest.  That was just my little play on the word ‘gagging’ in yesterday’s post.  My dentist is not that rude.

But thank you all for being so quick to believe it was true.  I’m not offended.  Not offended at all…*

*Please get today’s joke and don’t make me write another explanation tomorrow, retracting this post.


Joke 943

22 Oct

Even more from the top fifty jokes of all time

ATT00076 Cat joke cartoon

ATT00076 Cat joke cartoon (Photo credit: DrJohnBullas)


You know who really gives kids a bad name? Posh and Becks.

Stewart Francis

Last week my mother-in-law fell into a wishing well.  I can’t believe it actually worked.


I was raised as an only child, which really annoyed my sister.

Will Marsh

I picked up a hitchhiker. You gotta when you hit them.

Emo Phillips

So I said to a Scotsman, ‘Did you have terrible spots as a kid?’

He said ‘Och, nay.’


A Quiet Week

21 Oct
My Poster

My Poster (Photo credit: Tabbymom Jen)

As far as blogging is concerned, that is.  

As far as the rest of me goes, here’s this week’s schedule:

  • Monday PM:    A free stressbuster workshop in Stockport.  It’s free!  And a workshop!  Why would you think I wouldn’t go?
  • Tuesday PM:    Dentist-mouth search-lots of gagging (she says my breath stinks).
  • Wednesday All Day:    A visit to Sheffield University with Spud, to check it out.  Yay!  Trains!  I love trains!
  • Thursday AM:    Very AM, 07:50 a.m., to be precise.  Doctor’s appointment-begging-pleading-fix my whinging please, doctor!
  • Thursday Middle of the PM:   Seven Brides For Seven Brothers at the Manchester Opera House with generous friend for final fiftieth birthday treat; followed by dinner out.  Singin’-dancin’-sobbin’ wimmin.  Almost as good as travelling on trains!
  • Friday Middle of the PM:   Ender’s Game opens in cinemas.  The Hub has already warned me I’m going to hate it because it won’t be like I see it in my head when I read (and re-read and re-read) the book.  I don’t care.  He’s taking me.

You won’t see much of me online so please don’t take it personally.

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - Movie CD cover

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers – Movie CD cover (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

See you on the other side!

Ender's Game

Ender’s Game (Photo credit: Wikipedia)