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Looking For Approval

20 Apr
Radical Acceptance diagram

Image via Wikipedia

Where do you find acceptance?

HereHere And here.

You’d think a blog host would know how to find acceptance without asking me.  Don’t you agree?

Weekly Photo Challenge: Lines

20 Apr

This is Spud, aged ten.  I’ll point out the connection to the prompt to save you worrying: he has lines in his suit. 

Also lines in books, because he wore this suit at The Stockport Children’s Book Awards.  It is an annual ceremony in which books chosen by the children of Stockport are presented with awards.  Well, the authors are presented with the awards: the books would find it quite difficult to hop up on stage by themselves, unless they were magic books, and I don’t think any of the winners that year were magic books, so it’s a moot point.  Or, as Joey Tribbiani would say, and which I prefer, it’s a moo point.  Or was it?  I don’t think there were any cow books either.

Are you getting the feeling round about now that I’m not taking the prompt seriously?

What I do take seriously is how brilliant my children are.  There were roughly ten-to-twelve awards given out and roughly tens of thousands of children in Stockport and two children per award were selected from all Stockport schools and Spud was one of those presenters.  Best of all, he and his partner were the only children to learn their lines instead of reading it from a card.  They looked like true professionals up there.  And so handsome, in a big teeth, goofied way.  How’s he doo-in’?

Joke 27

20 Apr

A wife asked, “Honey, if I died would you remarry?”

He replied, “Well, after a considerable period of grieving, we all need companionship, so I guess I would.”

She said, “If I died and you remarried, would she live in this house?”

He replied, “We’ve spent a lot of time and money getting this house just the way we want it. I’m not going to get rid of my house, so I guess she would.”

She asked, “If I died and you remarried, and she lived in this house, would she sleep in our bed?”

He replied, “That bed is brand new, we just paid two thousand dollars for it, it’s going to last a long time, so I guess she would.”

The wife asked, “If I died and you remarried, and she lived in this house, and slept in our bed, would she use my golf clubs?”

He replied, “Oh no, she’s left handed.”