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Best Of Manchester Poets 3

27 Mar

I forgot to mention – I had a poem accepted for the latest Best Of Manchester Poets anthology.  That means I’ve had a poem in each collection.   Poems are judged anonymously.  

This year’s poem is called Tsetse Rat.  It’s one of my favourites of all I have written: it was inspired by the sight of a dead rat at the bus stop.

If  you happen to be in and around Manchester tomorrow night, the book’s launch is taking place at a free event at the Eighth Day Cafe, Oxford Road, M1 7DU, 7:30-10.  Poets in the book will be reading from the collection and it is hosted by Dominic Berry.


Find Dominic Berry on Book A Poet

I can’t make it, unfortunately, because I’m feeling a little slimsy at the moment; but I was at the launch of the first anthology and it was great fun.

The book is available to buy on Amazon or from the publisher, Puppywolf, but you can read one poem for free:


Tsetse Rat 

Poor rat and your pedestrian end:
was it death by cat?
I hope it was old age; you fell asleep.
Dark comfort in your long rest.

Dangerous praise to resent your passing,
forlorn corpse; scorned by
heels and prams and bicycle wheels.

Sleep peacefully, rat, on your dull part
of the dirty path; curled like an idle moon.



The previous word was ‘rutilant’: Glowing or glittering with ruddy or golden light – what I do each time I have a poem accepted.  It never gets old.


Joke 734

27 Mar
First World Man Problems 05

First World Man Problems 05 (Photo credit: AV Dezign)

There are TWO secrets to success at Poker:

Rule #1: Never tell your secrets.


What is the difference between a large pizza and a professional poker player?

The large pizza can feed a family of four.


A woman who played poker once a month with a group of female coworkers was concerned that she always woke her husband when she came home in the early hours.

One night she decided to try not to wake him. She undressed in the living room, put her bag over her shoulder, and tiptoed nude into the bedroom.  She was surprised to find her husband sitting up in bed reading.

“Oh no!” he exclaimed. “Did you lose everything?”


From titanpokerblog