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Six Word Photo Challenge

15 Oct

In which I combine two memes.

I have nothing to blog about today; how is that possible?  It is impossible.  I will therefore use this Six Word Saturday to introduce non-WordPress bloggers to the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge.

It is optional.  It is easy:

Take a new photograph or, as I interpret it, use an old photograph, to interpret the theme.  This week’s theme is Possibility.  Here’s my entry:

It is possible this child grew up to be respectful of and towards his mother. 

Possible, but unlikely.

To put it another way: he’s going to be a politician; the only thing he’ll learn to respect is the polls.

Ah, well.  He’ll get my vote anyway.  I’m his mother; it would be impossible for me not to support him, no matter how disgraceful his career choice.

You can read more Six Word Saturdays here.

Joke 205

15 Oct

A teacher asked little Johnny if he could count from one to ten.

“Yes! Of course! My Pop taught me…even more than ten.”

“Good; let’s see…what comes after three?”


“What comes after six?”


“Very good,” said the teacher. “Your Pop did a good job. Now…what comes after…let’s say, ten?”

“A jack.”

There’s many a true word spoken in jest…our Dad used to keep us up playing cards on school nights; mostly to avoid our Mum, I’m guessing.  I play a mean game of whist and I never met a card game that didn’t remind me of Dad.  With a smile.