Archive | 15:48

Watch A Plane Taxi Down Your Street

18 Jul

I don’t know if this will work outside the UK, but it’s worth a try: take part in the British Airways Olympics advert.

The Morning After

18 Jul

I had a lovely visit yesterday from an old friend.  All we did was laugh and chat.  This was us yesterday:

This is me today:

A face only a Hub could love

I had intended to tell you all about it, but my knac has never felt so kered, so it will have to wait until tomorrow.  It won’t be exciting: all we did was laugh and chat.  I don’t know why I’m so tired this morning; all I drank was tea.

Joke 482

18 Jul
number 8

number 8 (Photo credit: Leo Reynolds)

I love to encourage young talent, so please enjoy today’s joke from the eight-year old daughter of Raccoon Ridge Ramblings.


Q:  What did the zero say to the eight?
A:  “Nice belt!”