Hula Hoops. Very Proud Of The Queen.

28 Jul

No, the Queen was not so impressed by the aging Grace Jones in her PVC outfit at the Diamond Jubilee Concert that she decided to take up hula hooping – though after seeing her as a Bond Girl and skydiver, I suppose anything is possible.  

My title was left as a comment on the post in which I invited you to tell me what you were eating, drinking and doing during the Olympics Opening Ceremony. You responded in your units.  Some of them alcoholic.

Before I get on to that, I want to add three items to my list of highlights:

  • The choir of hearing-impaired and other children who sang the National Anthem so beautifully.
  • The honour guard of 500 workers who had built the stadium.  They lined up in the tunnel as the torch entered.  A wonderful touch.
  • And finally, the news that for the first time, every single one of the 204 countries had female athletes in the team.  Fabulous!

This is what my family was doing:

I did tell you I would be drinking wine and eating peanuts.  However, we had no wine so I had a rum and coke instead.  I didn’t feel like peanuts but Spud’s suggestion at twenty to midnight that we all eat ice cream was promptly acted upon.


I will let everyone else tell you what they were doing, in their own words.





Debbie in London‘s Prof:

…went out for Chinese, but the queue was so long we thought he might miss the start of the ceremony, so he bought a few supplies and came home instead. We dined on ham sandwiches (mine with mustard and the Prof’s with Branston pickle, crisps, nuts (peanuts for him, pine nuts for me) and grapes, washed down with coke zero. Living it large! The other member of the family, 21 last week, was so interested in the ceremony he went for a bike ride, sat in his room for a bit and then was in bed by 10.30pm. What can you do with the youth of today?!
We have really enjoyed the ceremony, though I am finding it hard to believe there are this many countries in the world. Do you think anyone can make up their own country? I am a little suspicious, never heard of several of them 😉
Many people were unable to watch the ceremony because of the time difference. For some in the States it was because NBC (Al says it stands for Never Been Clever) filled the show with adverts and let commentators talk over the rest.  
It took an American, Michael Carnell, to point out to me that there was a dearth of Doctor Who.  Can’t believe I didn’t miss him!  Just shows how good a show it was.
Some non-British viewers were confused by the NHS section; but that’s possibly because they don’t understand the affection in which the National Health Service is held in this country, even while we complain about it.  Imagine a long and bickering marriage, rather like mine and the Hub’s, to get the idea.  
It wasn’t only non-Brits who were a little confused: Pseu, an NHS nurse herself, said:
Wasn’t convinced by the archaic nurses. Was that to suggest that the NHS is old fashioned and needs to keep up with the times?
I don’t believe so.  Danny Boyle celebrated all that was great about Britain; I think the old costumes were just to show how long the NHS has been around.
The Shrewsdays had the best idea of the night:
Ann McGuffy was misguidedly patriotic:
For me, it is Vitamin Water & fruit…and the good old USA!
She’s a loyal reader so we’ll let that last bit pass.
Viv in France was most civilised:
The dregs of last night’s bottle of a glorious Biuzet, and a handful of grapes shared between us.

Quilting & Drinking

I’m not asleep, honest!

Sammy Dee in Manchester had a similar idea, though her approach was different:
Drank far too much White Grenashe.
Maire in Texas demonstrated how civilised Southern Ladies can be:
I was drinking iced tea with ginseng and honey…
although the effect was slightly marred:
…and eating pretzels.
Boomiebol claims it was:
the Olympic excitement…and not the wine drinking got me typing all wrong
when she was:
munching on kettlecorn popscorn, cashew nuts and wine.
I think most of us felt that same popscorn for Paul McCartney, who went on far too long with Hey Jude.
Siggie of Maine, who has a disobliging cat, was willing but not able:
…would love to say I had malted milk balls…American Malteser’s….but had red white and blue star shaped marshmallows to eat while watching Sir Paul sing “Hey, Jude.” My drink of choice is water with a wedge of lemon…but only had lime seltzer in the house to drink.
Pseu again:
we had supper in front of the TV: stuffed chicken breasts, mashed potatoes and peas on a tray, with a glass of Chardonnay. Followed up with a slice of Scout’s chocolate birthday cake.
She impressed me with this:
Cycloman’s not with us as he’s down in the thick of it, starting his volunteering in the basket arena this morning.
Wow!  The volunteer response has been incredible, according to the press.  It is exciting to know the husband of a friend I haven’t yet met is taking part.  Well done, Cycloman!
was a bit busy ripping up that lovely bright orange shag carpeting from the home we are renovating.  Nothings says GO USA like a face mask and old carpet.  Errr…maybe a flag and sparkler would have been a better choice…

Another NHS nurse…?

Aquatom had:
 a few drinky-poos (wine and lager) and a bag of Monster Munch. I also have some onion rings and bacon fries…
Grannymar was knitting.

Wee Scoops had the genius idea to take a photo of where she was at 20:12:

At 20.12 I took this pic while I think I was missing the start. In the back seat with the daughters having given up my seat to son of sanstorm to prevent backstage bickering. We were coming back from our holidays.

She made it home in time, thank goodness!

Loving the show. Love the spoofery. But for the athlete bit I have settled down with some hula hoops.
Hope you’ve enjoyed the show!

Thank you so much, all of you, for sharing photos and menus.

How wonderful it is to know that we all participated in the same event while spread around the globe; or at least thought about each other while doing something else.

Wee Scoops to close:

Hula Hoops.  Very Proud of the Queen.

And so say all of us.

44 Responses to “Hula Hoops. Very Proud Of The Queen.”

  1. grannymar July 29, 2012 at 10:27 #

    I managed to solve a problem of turning a corner in the knitting and then complete another few inches of it. I am very happy with my evenings work.


  2. vivinfrance July 29, 2012 at 10:48 #

    You bowdlerised my caption, you rascal: I put watching while quilting, not quilting and drinking. I had precisely half of one small glass of wine – Jock had the other slightly fuller one.

    I was shocked by Siggi’s post: She likes to drink water but had none in the house. Do they have to trudge 10 miles barefoot to a stream, carrying a heavy bucket. I thought Maine was in the northeast of USA close to lake country with piped water at least!


  3. Fresh from my desk... July 29, 2012 at 13:56 #

    Reblogged this on Fresh From My Desk and commented:
    Reblogging this post from Tilly Bud of The Laughing Housewife fame. She is hysterical to read but more importantly, there is a picture of me in this post. Tilly threatened….err…… challenged us to send her a photo of our whereabouts during the opening ceremony of the Olympics. I would like to point out that if the photos tell us anything it’s that Tilly knows ALOT of drinkers so I’m not sure how much of the actual ceremony these folks remember. Here’s to praying she does not post a pop quiz. Cheers!


  4. siggiofmaine July 29, 2012 at 15:11 #

    This is a wonderful follow-up … what an inventive fan club you have. Love this post.
    Right now am watching “live” the women’s road race…the weather is the same both
    for you and for me. … more drenching for London. Are you in the rain, too ? .. where
    you live.
    Thinking of you,
    Siggi in Downeast Maine


  5. judithatwood July 29, 2012 at 15:42 #

    Such a great idea, and terrific responses! Good for you, Tilly B.!


  6. adinparadise July 29, 2012 at 16:24 #

    Queenie and I should have a hooping competition. 😉 Fascinating post, Tilly. I loved the NHS skit. I’d just got back from my fabulous birthday dinner, so just sat feeling replete and so proud to be English. 😉


  7. Food Stories July 29, 2012 at 16:30 #

    Loved reading what everyone was doing 🙂


  8. Katherine Gordy Levine July 29, 2012 at 17:36 #

    See you have made it to Pinterest. Hip, hip. Started a Blog Hop board and pinned you there.


  9. kateshrewsday July 29, 2012 at 20:35 #

    Huge fun, Tilly, what a fantastic idea of yours. Lovely to bring everyone together. I caught up with familiar faces and unfamiliar alike!


    • Tilly Bud - The Laughing Housewife July 29, 2012 at 22:18 #

      It was enormous fun for me, too! Though one of the longest posts it has ever taken me to write. Nearly three hours, what with links, photos, c+p and disappearing white space – and you know how I feel about white space 🙂


  10. Patti July 30, 2012 at 00:14 #

    I’m late to this party, but I had dinner guests at the time (baked potatoes, grilled vegetables, salad and homemade pineapple sorbet) and we didn’t start watching till the entertainment part was over and the parade of nations had begun. When I heard that the Queen and James Bond were in it, I assumed it was some sort of gag with a double for the Queen. Then I saw a replay of it and was thrilled. I wanted to be British, I was so taken with the Queen’s performance.


  11. robincoyle July 30, 2012 at 01:07 #

    What Olympics? I was reading your blog.


  12. katharinetrauger July 30, 2012 at 01:29 #

    We seldom watch TV. Not even the Olympics. Sorry. But we did eat that night. Love to cook gourmet, so had scratch spaghetti with mushrooms, jalapeno peppers, and bacon added to it and fresh-grated parmesan cheese on top, and a salad. Mmm. Grown ups had an appropriate burgundy and kiddos had milk. 😉
    This was so fascinating, though. Thanks for it.


  13. Three Well Beings July 30, 2012 at 07:45 #

    We were out of town and with the tremendous time delay I wasn’t sure I’d be up to it, but I never moved from my spot on the couch…there was wine, however, that just made me sleepy! There were probably a few cultural references I didn’t catch, but I thoroughly enjoyed it until the very end. I did love the bit with the Queen and James Bond. Well done! Debra


  14. Perfecting Motherhood July 31, 2012 at 06:27 #

    What a great idea for an Olympics post!


  15. debbieinlondon July 31, 2012 at 11:44 #

    Great idea Tilly, and I am happy to have taken part 🙂 How about more posts we can all take part in? A Christmas Day one? or New Year’s Eve? 🙂


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