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A Mixed Bag

3 Jun
Mixed Bag

Image by daryl_mitchell via Flickr

What is a fear you think you can conquer today?

Making a fool of myself in public.

The weather is gorgeous at last and I really want to climb the spider net on the park.  I’ll get Spud to take photos.  Schools are still on half-term so there will be children and parents there.  Expect bruising.


Make a top ten list of things to do this summer.

Sigh.  No.

I’ve got an ongoing project of 101 tasks to do over the next couple of years; this is just a list too far.


Who should you be remembering today?

This question is from last Monday, when it was Memorial Day in the States.

It’s important to have an official day of recognition, but I think we should remember those who died, those who were injured, and those still serving, every day.


What is the last good book you read? Write a short review.

To Kill A Mocking Bird. 

It was good.


101/1001 (11)

3 Jun

I still haven’t updated my task list; maybe I should add updating my task list to my task list.

Another one: stop saying maybe I should add [whatever I haven’t done] to my task list.*

*Note to self: if you use the same joke every week for 143 weeks, people will begin to notice.

I decided to remove Visit 101 blogs new to me from the list.  I visit new blogs every week and I don’t have time to record them all.  I know I will have visited 101 new blogs by the end of this project and quite possibly by the end of this year; it doesn’t feel like a task. 

I have found the easy tasks on the list bring no satisfaction when they are completed, particularly if I haven’t had to make an effort to attain them, so there’s no point including them.  For that reason, I have also removed Mention Maltesers in my blog for 10 consecutive days.

So, a notmuchhappeninkindaweek as far as the tasks are concerned; but the sun is out and the son is on half-term, so I may just go swinging, climbing and sliding, as per the current Task No.43: Have a go on every item in the new children’s play area in Gorsey Bank Park.


Don’t forget to check out the other 101/1001ers, as per the list on the right.

Joke 71

3 Jun

When a woman got married she put a shoebox in the closet and told her husband not to open it.

After over 50 years of marriage she was dying and told him to open the box.  When he opened it there were 2 doilies and $85,000.00 inside.

He asked why they were in the box.

She replied, “When I got married my mother told me to crochet a doily every time I got mad at you.”

He smiled to think she had only been mad at him twice.  Then he asked about the $85,000.00.

“That’s the money I got from selling the doilies.”