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I Willingly Dedicate This Post To A Stranger

10 Sep

I read the funniest story today.

I try to publicise other blogs as much as possible, so long as the mentions fit the context of my post; but this is a first for me: dedicating a post to a blog I’ve read just once.  I usually read several posts, at least; get to know the blogger.  I believe in free speech but not free advertising from me for someone I wouldn’t read myself.

This particular blogger left a comment here and I did the usual polite thing of going over to say ‘hi’, and I read the most charming, amusing story about her great-grandson.  I urge you to go and read it for yourself.

If you’re still not sure, I believe her post’s title may convince you:

My Poo Poo Is Sleeping.

You can see why it appealed to me, can’t you?


Read other Six Word Saturdays here.

Joke 170

10 Sep

The shareholders of a compass manufacturer were concerned that the company wasn’t heading in the right direction.

Today’s joke reminds me of one of my favourite-ever movie scenes: picture, if you will, Bruce Willis in a pink bunny suit, chatting to a young Elijah Wood before he was a Hobbit. 

BW: What’s your name, kid?

EW: North.

BW: North?  That’s a good name.  I’ve seen it on maps.
