I’m So000oo Unstressed

29 Oct

I had a great week!



A stressbuster workshop.  Ommmmmmmm…

We were given a lesson in basic meditation.  Not sure it’s for me because the only people I know with third eyes appeared in Total Recall, but the deep breathing tip really helped:

Nasty bus driver?  Breathe in…breathe out…

Unexpected bill?    Breathe in…breathe out…

Hub wants his dinner?  Breathe in…hit out…



A.M.  Seven poetry books arrived from Amazon, thanks to my lovely friend Early Bird, who sent me a gift voucher.  I was able to buy collections from poets I love but can’t usually afford.  Thank you, EB!

Seven books for one reader!

Seven books for one reader!

P.M.  The dentist.  Ummmm…not what I’d usually consider a pleasant experience, especially when x-rayed teeth are involved, but I was so relieved to learn there is no infection in my mouth that I count the visit as the highlight of my day.

Every student bar needs the perfect setting.

Every student bar needs the perfect setting.


A trip to Sheffield.  Ecky thump!  No one told me how pretty a city it is:

Such a pretty view...

Such a pretty view…

A third of it is under the Peak District National Park and there are four trees to every person.  Spud loved it.

We toured the campus… i.e. the city centre.  Also one of the two student villages – there was a sports bar with a huge TV, which Spud took as a good omen.  We had our picnic lunch in the Students’ Union (voted No. 1 in the UK).  Everyone was lovely, friendly, helpful.  I loved it.

We had time to kill between events so we visited the museum:


The highlight of Spud’s day was the visit to the Psychology lecture theatre.   There were about fifty people in the room, half of them prospective students; Spud was one of just three males.  Apparently, it’s more popular with girls than boys; though all of the top Psychology people cited by the (female) lecturer were men.   The professor gave a fascinating talk, which left me half-inclined to enrol myself.

Spud came out of the room with a huge grin on his face.

Mum: Did you enjoy that?  I think you’re really going to love it here.  The course sounds so good.

Spud: Did you see the ratio of girls to boys??



A.M. To the doctor, to discuss test results and why I’m chronically knackered this year.

Doctor: menopause menopause menopause


Earl Grey Tea in a fancy place in Manchester, with the stickiest, ickiest table I’ve ever been adhered to.


Click photos to see original links

That was followed by Seven Brides For Seven Brothers and a funny, rip-roarin’ romp of an afternoon.  Sam Attwater, former soap star, a winner of Dancing On Ice, can act, sing, dance and ice skate.  I’d never have married the Hub if I’d known the perfect man was out there.  I just needed to wait fifteen years.

Dinner at Café Rouge.  Yum, yum and triple-yum is all I can say.  Oh, and hic.

Thanks go to my lovely friend Louise, whose birthday treat for me it was; and who was also fifty this year, so it was a double celebration.

Thank you, Louise, for the wonderful, wonderful day.



Ender's Game experience

Ender’s Game experience (Photo credit: Todd Awbrey)

Ender’s Game opened.  At last at last at last!  How have I managed to go twenty years without a movie of my favourite book?

Contrary to expectations, I didn’t hate it.  I enjoyed it.  I’d have liked a lot more Battle Room scenes but there wasn’t the time.  The Battle Room itself was fabulous.  Asa Butterfield was good.  Harrison Ford almost made me believe he can act.  Great stuff all round.

There were some changes, naturally, but they worked, for the most part, so I won’t complain; but I did agree with this critic that the

overly dry script feels like it’s trying too hard to cram everything in, yet still feels insubstantial. The key character beats are all there, but because you move from one to the next in the blink of an eye, there’s no sense of character evolution – one minute Ender’s a raw rookie, the next he’s an accomplished leader and saviour-of-humanity elect.

Richard Edwards, SFX

By the way, if you think you’re going to see Harry Potter meets Star Wars, you’re not.  Read the book.


After the cinema, I shared my final birthday gift with Spud and Hub: a £20 Nando’s voucher from my good friend Alison (who also bought me flowers on the day; as well as a meal and a trip to see Ghost the Musical).


In conclusion:

A great week; a great summer; a great way to turn fifty.  Thank you to everyone who made it happen.  Old people don’t come more blessed than me 🙂

36 Responses to “I’m So000oo Unstressed”

  1. laurieanichols October 29, 2013 at 16:27 #

    I’m relieved that your teeth are fine and I’m not exactly thrilled with the menopause explanation for you being knackered, menopause can drag on for awhile, that kind of stinks but you have learned meditation so perhaps that is the key to it. Breathe in, breathe out 🙂 I’m so happy that you had a fantastic week:)


  2. Elaine - I used to be indecisive October 29, 2013 at 16:28 #

    I’m exhausted having just read that. It sounds like you had a fabulous time all round (well maybe apart from the dentist 😦 ). What a way to turn fifty!! 🙂


  3. fairyfeet October 29, 2013 at 16:33 #

    Sorry Linda, but you’re not old until you are 75 these days. That’s what I believe and I’m sticking to it! Glad you had such a splendid birthday x


  4. benzeknees October 29, 2013 at 16:37 #

    Menopause is so exhausting – I know. Insomnia creeps in, not flashes & severe tiredness. More to look forward to!


  5. slpmartin October 29, 2013 at 17:21 #

    Ha…Linda you’re still quite young…glad you had a wonderful birthday celebration.


  6. Hattie October 29, 2013 at 17:22 #

    It really is true that 75 is when old age kicks in. I’m 74, so I’m not old yet! Old is always people older than you are!
    Anyway, in the U.S. “The change,” as we used to call it, can cause “tired blood.” You could be a little anemic and in need of Vitamin D.


    • The Laughing Housewife October 29, 2013 at 23:40 #

      They checked my iron levels and everything’s okay. I’ve been advised to take a multivitamin, so I’ll do that.


  7. Terry October 29, 2013 at 19:05 #

    sounds like a great week to me too! so glad it went so well


  8. Indira October 29, 2013 at 19:30 #

    You are really blessed and thanks for the meditation tip- Hub wants his dinner? Breathe in…hit out…



  9. http://vivinfrance.wordpress.com October 29, 2013 at 20:17 #

    Sheffield is a lovely city, but not one for bicycling about!

    Your 50th must be the most celebrated birthday in the history of woman kind. It goes on and on. I’m so glad you’re having lots of lovely treats. BTW you look incredibly slim in the photograph.

    I just hope I don’t spend my 76th (32 days away) the same way I celebrated the 75th!


  10. Cheryl October 29, 2013 at 21:17 #

    Haven’t seen Enders Game …YET, But I cant imagine it will be anywhere near as good as the book(s). But if it’s half as good it will be a triumph. I cant Wait. Glad you and such a wonderful B-day and yes there are somethings about being in your 50’s that stink, but **spoiler alert** oh it’s sooo much better than anyone tells you 🙂
    And I am also waiting on the 2nd Hunger game movie 🙂


  11. Pseu October 29, 2013 at 21:45 #

    IS that all? ( 😉 )


  12. adinparadise October 29, 2013 at 22:17 #

    What a great week, apart from the doctor visit. Please don’t say that 50 is old. That would make me ancient. 🙂


  13. colonialist October 29, 2013 at 23:52 #

    Hey, aren’t those flames shooting out of your bedroom windows?
    (Need to find some way to get you stressed again – this relaxed setup is unnatural!)


  14. Rorybore October 30, 2013 at 01:31 #

    What a wonderful week! You packed a lot of fun in there — no wonder you’re tired. It’s been such fun reading about all your birthday adventures. Glad you have been so blessed by so many. Just so you know, I have eaten more than a few Maltesers in your honour. 🙂


  15. sharechair October 30, 2013 at 13:24 #

    What a lovely week. You are not old. Looking back there from my seat of 63, you’re still quite young. 🙂


  16. Al October 30, 2013 at 14:19 #

    I’ve often wondered why it’s called menopause and not womenopause. Perhaps because it’s the men who suffer the most because of it? Alas, life is full of these little conundrums.


  17. Grannymar October 30, 2013 at 18:11 #

    What a wonderful week. You will need a holiday to recover. Stay well.


  18. Perfecting Motherhood October 30, 2013 at 20:33 #

    What a fun week and a great way to celebrate turning 50! Lovely cow, by the way. 🙂


  19. bluebee November 2, 2013 at 22:33 #

    And I think it’s time you removed, “I’m a little fat” from your blogbio – looking fab at 50, Tilly!


I welcome your comments but be warned: I'm menopausal and as likely to snarl as smile. Wine or Maltesers are an acceptable bribe; or a compliment about my youthful looks and cheery disposition will do in a pinch.