
10 Nov
Dates Bookmark

Dates Bookmark (Photo credit: RBerteig)

My old school friend Dave reminds this number geek that today is 10.11.12.  I adore interesting numbers but I did them to death last year, if you remember.

The date is the only interesting thing about today, unless you count the sausage and egg oven bottom barms we had for dinner; and they were interesting only in an air quotes sort of way, because I got a little hysterical during the egg frying.  

The internet had nothing interesting to say about today, though I did keep picking up that in the year 1582 there was no October 11th in some European countries because of the implementation of the Gregorian calendar.

I couldn’t understand why it kept telling me something thirty days and 430 years out of date until I realised I was looking at American sites and that America is backwards.  

About dates, that is.  In the US, today is 11.10.12.

How interesting.

19 Responses to “10.11.12”

  1. viveka November 10, 2012 at 20:13 #

    Linda, you’re priceless !!!!


  2. slpmartin November 10, 2012 at 20:27 #

    Oh…for a moment I thought I had lost a month. 🙂


  3. Grannymar November 10, 2012 at 20:39 #

    All I can add about the date is that my father was born 101 years ago today.


  4. laurieanichols November 11, 2012 at 00:20 #

    The difference in the dates between the U.S and Europe can be tricky when making travel plans sometimes. We Americans really do have a quirky do it my way streak, what with feet, inches and pounds and dates.


  5. sharechair November 11, 2012 at 01:47 #

    Your first sentence threw me off. 10? october? Isn’t it November?


  6. adinparadise November 11, 2012 at 02:03 #

    Yes, I also get confused here in America. I never get the date right. 🙂


  7. lenwilliamscarver November 11, 2012 at 02:19 #

    next month we will have a 12-12-12 no confusion anywhere then. Great write 🙂


  8. terry1954 November 11, 2012 at 02:22 #

    I did not even think of that until u mentioned it. it is weird though, the date


  9. vivinfrance November 11, 2012 at 10:22 #

    And before you know it, it will be 12.12.12 and you’ll be getting out the baubles.


  10. Janet Yarwood November 11, 2012 at 10:46 #

    Awwww, I love dates like this. I’m such a number geek. Was actually gutted I wasn’t in work so I had no reason to write it 😦


  11. mairedubhtx November 11, 2012 at 13:32 #

    Yes, we are backwards. It is not 10.11.12 for us. We’re behind everyone else not only in refusal to use the metric system but refusal to follow conventional dating systems. So for us it’s 11.10.12 which holds no special significance. I feel humiliated for my backwards, pigheaded country. It obviously should be day, month, year but for some unknown reason we refuse to see the logic of that and put the month first, which makes no sense. Can you tell I’m annoyed? Especially when I have to fill out a form from ANY other country and automatically do it our way and then have to redo it because I realize we’re backwards? That’s because I am annoyed that we refuse to become part of the world community. Oh, the arrogance.


  12. Pseu November 12, 2012 at 10:07 #

    I wrote a cheque on the 10th and thought of you. I thought, ‘bet she can’t resist a number post today’ —
    What on earth are ‘sausage and egg oven bottom barms’?


  13. eof737 November 12, 2012 at 11:52 #

    I’m looking forward to 12.12.12 😉


  14. Jeff November 12, 2012 at 22:29 #

    We’re not backwards…it’s more “inside out.” 🙂 Honestly, it makes more sense the European way. You go from smallest to largest. We go from middle to smallest to largest. Silly Americans…


  15. Three Well Beings November 13, 2012 at 00:32 #

    I would be ashamed to tell you how long it took me to figure out that “we” were doing the date differently! On so many blogs I honestly thought WordPress had made a mistake. I do try oh so very hard not to be one of those Americans who thinks we have it all right and everyone else wrong. I promise I do! Sometimes with numbers I’m just very slow! 🙂


  16. evilnymphstuff November 13, 2012 at 08:08 #

    Haha yes it’s true that some prefer to put the month before the date. Anyway I put it as 10.11.12 and I love such symbolic number patterns too. I had a great day on that date, despite the awful rain!


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